The first skirmish in this Week of Mathematical Armageddon occurred this afternoon, and since then the Battle Control Centre that is The Temple has gone into overdrive with reports from the battlefields across Singapore.
Thank you Ms Loi. Today’s paper was relatively easy.
Paper one went relatively well =)
2day was easy!
I found the paper very manageable. I had time to re-check.
Ms Loi!! The paper hard siak!!!!!!! (Miss Loi: Aiyooo … *shakes head*)
Interspersed among these frantic messages were more frantic messages and calls from unknown students who allegedly “couldn’t stand the uncertainty anymore” and kept pestering asking Miss Loi when would the EMaths Paper 1 solutions be posted up.
Unfortunately, since the answers were written on and handed in together with the question paper, the ‘O’ Level EMaths Paper 1 question paper tends to be a bit of a holy grail of exam papers these days.
And since The Temple does not have the evil policy of asking its students to steal, smuggle or even copy out the questions during the exam itself (obviously, ANY spare time is better spent on checking the answers more than anything else), Miss Loi unfortunately couldn’t produce any solution without the questions.
But as fate would have it, just as Miss Loi was letting out a sigh of resignation, a student strode into The Temple, held a couple of pieces of paper high in the air and exclaimed “MY SOLUTIONS!!!!!!!!!”
And so in order the pacify the anxious callers, this is what Miss Loi can offer here for now as far as 2010 EMaths Paper 1 goes (in the absence of the question paper):

O-Level October/November 2010 EMaths 4016 Paper I Solutions (Tentative)
O Level Oct/Nov 2010 EMaths 4016 Paper 1 Solutions (Verified)
Please understand that these solutions have NOT BEEN CHECKED BY ANYONE AT ALL, apart from the student who claimed to have 45 mins of spare time to do this during the exam (aiyohh …), and there are bound to be some mistakes (in fact the student-in-question has already admitted some have been spotted). But given the situation this would have to do for all of you who are anxious to see if anyone gets the same answers as you. Alright the verified ones are up above (albeit late – sorry Miss Loi’s students don’t possess superhuman mega memory abilities to recall the entire set of EMaths Paper 1 questions :P) So do leave a comment should you spot something that isn’t right, and do pardon the messy chunk of words towards the end.
But MOST IMPORTANTLY, it’s time to turn your attention to tomorrow’s EMaths Paper 2, and here are some of the remaining topics that you may want to focus on:
- Algebra e.g. fractions, changing the subject of a formula etc.
- Money problems, simple interest, compound interest etc.
- Quadratic equations
- Completing the square
- Mensuration e.g. arc length, area of sector etc.
- Trigonometry e.g. cosine rule, sine rule, angles of elevation/depression, area of triangle, 3D problems etc.
- Statistics e.g. cumulative frequency curve, mean, standard deviation, box & whisker plots etc.
- Vectors (incl. similarities)
- Matrices (just to be safe)
- Number patterns
- Graph plotting
One down, one or three (depending on whether you take AMaths) more maths papers to go! It’s coming thick and fast now!
Thks for your tentative solutions for 2010 EM P1. I am inquiring why 1/ 2*x^-5 = x^5/2 for Q4(b) since this question is NOT 1 / (2*x^-5) , right? Shouldn't it be 1/2 * (x^-5) ?
@TYS: Actually, the division sign (÷) is akin to the fraction bar separating the numerator from the denominator i.e. a ÷ b = a/b.
So in the case of Q4(b), 1 ÷ 2x−5 = 1 / (2x−5)
and thus the answer to Q4(b) in the final solution tallies with the one in the tentative solutions.
im pretty sure the ans for number pattern is 2n+1 , 2n+3 can anyone confirm this?
As for the 2n-1 thing, i think 2n-3, 2n-5 is possible. Of course 2n+1 and 2n+3 are definitely correct. Question nvr specify if it was decreasing or increasing, and patterns can be decreasing as well.
@Fred: actually if you read properly, you would be able to infer its increasing pattern
For question 14b), the answer is 3.33 nanoseconds, not 3 X 10^17 nanoseconds. Calculation error somewhere...
For question 8, is it okay to draw just one line with a full dot above -3 and a circle above 7? I've done that previously but I'm not sure if Cambridge accepts it...
@Peter: Confirmed and checked with my school's maths teachers. It's 2n+1 and 2n+3. Good job!
@iPuppytoo: Just the solitary line is sufficient as reflected in the amended final solutions.
The shaded region (drawn in the tentative solutions) is typically used in AMaths to depict overlapping ranges in solution sets on a number line.
When will the paper2 solutions be out? By tonight??
@Raymond: You know you can now find everything here already right?
hi i already counted my total marks for p1 and p2 and it's between 93 and 95... but some say even this mark cannot guarantee A1, is it true?
@shu yi: @Shu Yi: A1 marks will never go that high... The highest ever seems to be around 85. It will never be above 90... Even professionals make mistakes, you know.
@shu yi: According to The Seer this year, 86.1% (3 sig. fig.) should bag you an A1 😛
However Miss Loi has always advocated aiming for "85% for A-Maths and 90% for E-Maths to get an A1!" to allow for unknown/hidden marks lost through workings, significant figures etc.
But then again there's the nasty polygonic parasite X to wreck havoc so grades cut-offs may be a little more realistic this year..
Anyway, it's over so don't dwell too much into it ok? Ganbatte for your remaining subjects! 😉
I agree with fred. it could be either way, up or down. this is a ambiguous case.
Hi ms loi, for 2010 emath p1 sets question, will they penalize if i never put the curly bracket?
@cheryl: { yes } , unfortunately 🙁
@Miss Loi: But the whole question is 3 marks. So will they minus all 3 marks :'-(
@cheryl: The problem here is that Q12 is split into three parts carrying 1 mark each, so your hope hinges on Cambridge markers being lenient enough to award half a mark for each of the answers.
However, Miss Loi has seen ruthless local schools' exam markers typically throwing zeros in such cases since this is a full-fledged sets question.
Hi ms loi, for emath p1 2010, will they penalize if i never put the curly bracket when listing the elements for the sets question
2n-1 question. ambiguous ba. tsk!
er will 50 marks will it be a c6 or d7?
i super worrrrying now ><
Folks, just a shoutout that the tentative 2010 EMaths P1 solutions has been updated with Miss Loi's verified worked solutions to 2010 EMaths Paper 1.
Have a look at the full set (incl past years' solutions).
miss low will c6 = 50 marks?
@liliting: Miss Loi just replied you 😀
miss loi,may i ask you,for paper 1 question 22a,i wrote 4n-1 and 6n-1,is it possible? sorry,i forgot the exact question,so i wish to ask u,thx.
Care to share how did you arrive at 4n − 1 and 6n − 1 (as did some other students)?
i'm sorry, but apparently you misread the question for the probability question. It says all the dice are thrown at the same time. So for the last part, you can't x 3 for the answer
@Sanchez: Alright Q11(c) asks
First of all can we agree that for this to happen, one of the the following three cases has to occur?
Taking the first case: what is the probability that when three dice (let's label them A, B and C) are thrown together, we get Dice A showing 6 AND Dice B showing 6 AND Dice C showing 5?
Since whatever each dice ends up with is independent of the other two dice, we multiply i.e.
P(6,6,5) = 1/6 × 1/6 × 1/6
So it follows that
P(6,5,6) = 1/6 × 1/6 × 1/6
P(5,6,6) = 1/6 × 1/6 × 1/6
However we only have one chance to throw the three dice together. So we'll either get 6,6,5 OR 6,5,6 OR 5,6,6 i.e. P(6,6,5), P(6,5,6) & P(5,6,6) are mutually exclusive events since when one occurs the others cannot possibly occur
⇒ so we add them up ...
∴ P(Sum of 3 dice = 17) = P(6,6,5) + P(6,5,6) + P(5,6,6)
= (1/6 × 1/6 × 1/6) + (1/6 × 1/6 × 1/6) + (1/6 × 1/6 × 1/6)
= (1/6 × 1/6 × 1/6) × 3
= 1/36
HELLO im new here.
can i know how do i view the solution?
Open with what progarm?
@UNKNOWN: The files are in created in PDF format - viewable by Adobe Reader, which should come pre-installed in most modern computers these days.
Miss loi, do you for the (2n-1) question, can i put the next two numbers as (2n-3) and (2n-5)?
@Fred: There has been some discussion with regards to the ambiguity of Q22(a).
While Miss Loi hopes that Cambridge markers will allow 2n − 3 & 2n − 5 to stand, deep, deep, deep, deep, deep down in the layperson part of her tender heart, she suspects that the word next in the question is meant to be increasing in the positive sense 🙁
@Miss Loi: o ok! haha thanks though 🙂
i cant open the e maths paper 1 solution. is there anyway to get it?
@Faye: Moved your comment here into the EMaths Paper 1 post.
There shouldn't be a problem opening it by clicking on the diagram in this blog post.
Alternatively, could you try clicking on the link below (or right-click and select 'save as') and see if you can open it?
Hi thanks for the answers! May i ask for question 22, how many marks is that full question? thanks
@ah seng: *digs out the question paper*
Part (a) - 1 mark
Part (b)(i) - 1 mark
Part (b)(ii) - 1 mark
Part (c) - 2 marks
Total 5 marks
Now does Miss Loi get full marks for answering this? 😀