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It’s Miss Loi Vs The Kawaii Teeny Spree Blogs In SG Blog Awards!

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi the Tutor from the desk of Miss Loi at 3:36 pm (Singapore time)

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It’s Miss Loi Vs The Kawaii Teeny Spree Blogs In SG Blog Awards!

Friends, comrades and countrymen! Jφss Sticks has survived Nomination Day and is now a finalist of the Singapore Blog Awards! Contesting in the relatively obscure category of BEST BLOG SHOP, Miss Loi now finds herself 丛丛包围 aka surrounded by kawaii teeny spree blogs – all of whom have already mobilized their kawaii teeny shopping clone armies! Miss Loi needs your help as she does not have enough aunties, uncles, cousins, friends, friends’ friends etc. to vote her on a daily basis.

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