No mention will be made of the beautiful location where the event was held, for she was too tense to appreciate the surroundings.
No mention will be made of the sumptuous buffet on offer, for she had lost all appetite for the evening.
No photos were taken with any of the celebs who were present, for she was such a bundle of nerves that she even had to turn down the early interview request from Razor TV (sorry just couldn’t do it at that point in time 🙁 ).
With her back firmly pressed against the wall, the incessant palpitations of her heart reached a crescendo as she viewed, for the first time ever, her humble green blog being flashed on a screen other than her own.
The dazzling spotlights and a frenzy of flashes unleashed upon the newly-crowned Best Youth Blog winner was blindingly forbidding, overwhelming a stage-shy Miss Loi to the point that, for a brief moment, she wished that her name would never be called.
But banish such thoughts she must, for that would be a let down of Table Tennis proportions to her friends and readers who have steadfastly voted for Jφss Sticks throughout the month of July.
When a booming “MISS LOI!” finally jolted her from her self-induced trance, and she swore that she heard a muted cheer from somewhere as she took the hesitant first steps of her eternal trek from one end of the hall to the other.
Feeling for once like her students when they collected their O-Level results, time seemed to stand still as she climbed the steps to the stage, with the anticipated storm of camera flashes now raining relentlessly upon her, as she realized belatedly that she had probably become the first person in Singapore this year to CARRY A HANDBAG upstage to receive an award *eeks!*
With that, Jφss Sticks sealed its fate as Singapore’s Best Blog Shop according to the 2008 S’pore Blog Awards, along with a cutesy trophy now on permanent display at The Temple – an eternal tribute to all who had valiantly sacrificed their precious MSN chat/computer game/Japanese collections viewing times to click and click and click on Miss Loi’s kan cheong icon throughout the grueling campaign.

– whose website the Trusty Webmaster was rumoured to have a hand in it (sure or not?!)
With Miss Loi’s eyesight slowly recovering from the blinding storm of flashes, and terrifying pictures of her begin sprouting up across the internet, and while she’s still trying very hard to recall what exactly did she say in her subsequent press interviews, she would like to say a very big THANK YOU to fellow bloggers Chillycraps, Claudia, DK, Eastcoastlife, ieatishootipost, Rinaz, Walter etc. for their great teamwork in ambushing Miss Loi as she made her way down the stage, and for calming her nerves with their ultra-friendliness in a tensioned-filled night for her.

THANK YOU too to those of you who cheered when Jφss Sticks was announced, even if it was just a figment of Miss Loi’s imagination.
A special THANK YOU to sweet Jaime, who actually walked over to congratulate Miss Loi even though we don’t know each other at all 😀
And most importantly, an ∞ amount of THANK YOUs to ALL OF YOU dear readers for sticking around and tolerating Miss Loi’s lame entries throughout these 1.5 years. You have truly vindicated her hours and hours of effort (and missed TVB episodes and missed sales) put into Jφss Sticks.
Once again, from the bottom of her heart,
Ms Loi, congrats. Mr Ban has never seen your blog before this, but glad to visit it for the first time. Great job!
Congrats! 🙂
Thanks Daniel. Umm ... 谁是 Mr Ban??? *scratch head*
Congrats to ah LOI!!!
Best blogshop in SG DEY!!!!
Thanks DK, for being an elite member of the Commando Ambush Team that made Miss Loi feel a little more at ease that night 🙂
Thanks AH KRIS! Ah Loi 是你叫的吗?!! 没大没小!
Congrats on winning the Best Blog Shop award, Miss Loi! I thought you might have won the Best Design Blog award too as this is one of the best I have seen, no disrespects to the winner and nominees.
Good thing I have nothing to do with 'O's, the countdown (at the side) looks quite intimidating. haha!
wah congratulations miss loi!!! you're the most famous mathematician we know... and follow 😉 hopefully we see you in nihon one of these days.
Chukkahaminda! Congratulations!
Your blog looks very nice and warm, which I like very much! 你的部落客非常漂亮呢!
Wahahaha! We ambushed you? Seriously you felt that way? LOL! We were chanting in our heart that you're win so we can all see you on stage! So happy you won! And Congrats once again!
May the Temple HUAT AH! 😛
aiyo miss loi, carrying such a big handbag up stage is not very glam leh...haha..but CONGRATS GAL! u did the industry proud!
Jonathan: Intimidating??? This blog is supposed to offer the visitor a sensual spa-like retreat into the world of O-Level Mathematics!
P.S. Thank You on behalf of the Trusty Webmaster 🙂 The Best Design Blog category is a difficult one as the finalists are formidable and ... umm ... intimidating(?).
Karen + Bruce: WHOA most famous mathematician?! Folks like Euler and Pythagoras might have something to say about this!
Naomi: V^.^V V^.^V V^.^V V^.^V V^.^V
Stardust: 谢谢你! 多多光顾哦!
Claudia: Oh yes the Chief Commander of the Elite Ambush Team, you're guilty as charged!!! So can Miss Loi assume those cheers somehow surfaced from the chantings in your hearts?
But really thankful to you for putting me at ease on the night 😀
eh congrats! whats the prize? money? i am sure you will be able to buy LVs now............
congratulation ^^
CONGRATULATION!!! Wah! Ur bf/hubby dam lucky! Got gf/wify who is dam clever & so pretty! Winning this blog award is almost like winning a Miss Beautiful award!
Have a very nice day!
Warm congratulations to you, Miss Loi! A well-deserved win.
All the best for the future.
Warm congratulations, Miss Loi! A well-deserved win.
All the best for your future.
[Why your blog so slow tonight, ah?]
Congratz Miss Loi! I wish I could know you more during the event night! But we did take photos together =D
I always love your blog, and I really admire you for being such a creative person! I learn alot from you! =D
All the best!
Janice: Yalor. But on a positive note, think the big handbag served as a good counterweight to help balance a jittery Miss Loi when she went upstage.
Julianne: $$$?? We're all paid in kind. Do share if you know of any blog contest that LV is sponsoring 🙂
Abaoo: 谢谢!那晚没见到你?
HAM: You're back! Miss Beautiful award? You're talking about the Best Youth Blog, Best Photo Blog or the Best Individual Blog winner?
Thanks Zac! Slow meh? Maybe we need to install ERP gantries here to achieve an optimal traffic flow 😛
Congrats to you too Eunice! Your blog really makes me feel like travelling again and ... umm ... confirm there's no hope to Miss Loi's photography abilities.
P.S. Sorry I didn't talk much on the night - hopefully this post has explained why. Hope I didn't come across to everyone as being Dao coz ... umm ... I'm most definitely not! 😛
Lei-hoe-yeah ( you-good-thing !) Sifu Loi !
Congratulations !! Yeah !! ( this 'tau-tieh' father punching his hands in the air to celebrate Sifu's success in being awarded the Singapore's Best Blog Shop 2008 )
( suddenly I felt my head & brains were so light and energized! Good for afew seconds, the 'tau-tieh' feeling disappeared )
Kudos to all who made it successful with Sifu!
Well I hope the next award for Sifu Loi will be the Best Mathematics Tutor in Singapore Award 2008! ( Sifu , don't forget to bring a bigger handbag to collect the next award hor! )
Tau-Tieh Father
walao a phone? with all ur efforts?!!!??!?!?!! WE SINGAPOREANS DESERVE MORE!
INCREASES NURSES' PAY ! (sorry had to do this, LV still need to advertise meh?)
Great work there and cool job in keeping this blog so fun and active! I think you must be Singapore's most well known tutor, and an extraordinary one too!
Sorry for ambushing you that night. Would have liked to chat more but I guess the circumstances that night didn't quite permit it.
Mediksafe: All the best for your daughter *wink*
Julianne the Nurse(?): Read the link again. Miss Loi didn't get no handphone!
Thanks Walter! Singapore's most well-known tutor??? Like the mathematicians in comment #13, Miss Loi is sure many will have something to say about this!
i'm impressed and proud of you! i see sabrina and eastcoastlife tagging in that photo! anyway, keep up the good work in bringing guidance to students!
Wah xianfeng it's refreshing when someone says he's proud of Miss Loi - usually it's the other way round!