
Secondary Math Tuition Singapore Schedule

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A New Year. A New Hope.

Here's to more blue skies in the year ahead!
Here’s to more blue skies in the year ahead! No, this is not Novena (though Miss Loi wishes otherwise)

转眼间, Miss Loi has aged another year another year has passed and a new one comes. Bringing with it new students and challenges.

With the shuffling sounds from half-grown feet signalling the arrival of a new batch of Sec One students for secondary math tuition at Novena, new joss sticks are lit once more to inoculate all against the menace that is the LMBFH Syndrome (2025 Edition)!

Secondary/’O’ Level math tuition at Novena

Nonetheless, for the sake of those who, understandably, are not able to attend lessons at The Temple, a fully-vaccinated Miss Loi & The Mathematical Order are continuing with secondary/O/A level math joss sticks sessions hybrid-ly on both fronts: on-site at Novena and virtually.

In accordance with the latest guidelines, mask-wearing is now optional at The Temple.

Even though measures have been eased, please do not turn up at The Temple if you have tested positive for COVID-19!

Low COVID cases don’t mean no COVID cases!

All Jφss Sticks math tuition sessions are …

Held at: Miss Loi’s Temple (Novena). Yes we’re back in Novena so you no longer need to “imagine” being physically at your beloved joss sticks session anymore! 😃
Open to: All secondary maths, O Level maths and H1/H2 A Level maths students.
Lovingly cosy 2-hour slots of maximal quality time, unless explicitly stated in the relevant timetable.
Conducted in: Small class sizes for that maximum attention and loving, individualized care. Because we know being neglected by someone you want to talk to, more than anything, is the worst feeling ever 😢.
Some of the most engaging math tuition lessons you’ll ever get to experience. *pinky swear!*
So engaging, you can almost feel that illuminating atmosphere from a mile away!
1Focused on: Firming up the basics and strengthening your foundation. Resulting in not only life-changing moments of being able to solve math problems on your own, but also kindling countless romances with the subject.
Tailored especially to your individual needs, where you’ll get to learn at your own pace. In other words, without requiring you to ‘keep up with the rest of the class’.
Taught with love by our experienced tutors of the Mathematical Order. Because they love math and they all share the same life’s calling to rid you of the LMBFH Syndrome once and for all!

Enriching math tuition material

Reinforced & enriched with: All of our lovingly-crafted summary notes, worksheets and material, which are constantly revised accordingly based on your progress.
Backed emphatically by our GINORMOUS bank of carefully curated questions/worked solutions from top schools, past national exams and of course, our fabled secondary/’O’ level math exam papers. In reality, more than enough for you to practice a lifetime!

And for those who can’t make it to Novena for math tuition, every Jφss Sticks online session is …

Joss Sticks online sessions for sec 1, 2, a math, e math tuition previously held in Novena
Held: In front of your camera, speakers, and microphone-equipped computer (Duh!)
2Of session duration: 2 hours of maximal quality time (just like the physical classes at Novena).
No 40-min timeouts, because ours are licensed pro accounts okaaay …
Conducted in: Small virtual class sizes for that same maximum attention and loving, individualized care.
Besides, we’d really rather be running Zoom meetings NOT Zoom conferences.
100% LIVE with those big piercing eyes of Miss Loi in full HD and not pre-recorded.
Hence if you close your eyes, you may be forgiven for thinking you’re physically at your joss sticks math tuition session in Novena which you so loved *sniffs* 😢
Delivered via harnessing all technologies available at our disposal (like whiteboarding etc), in order to effectively deliver our teachings as close as possible to the physical joss sticks sessions in Novena which you & I so, so loved *sniffs* 😢 (did I just said this again??)
Available with full online access to all required worksheets and material. So you don’t have to make a trip down to collect anything (which you’re not supposed to anyway 😒)
Protected via adopting the latest security policies for video communications in accordance to best practices, so as to keep … umm … strange men out 😠

Friendly reminders:

1 To maximize the effectiveness of each lesson, please submit all assigned homework well before each session. Also, kindly refer to our very serious list of rules for our online joss sticks sessions.

2 First-time students to video communications are advised to prepare and familiarize yourselves at https://zoom.us/test before your first lesson. So as to avoid wasting precious lesson time on stuff like “Hello? Can you hear/see me? Hello? Hello? I can’t hear/see you!”.

Secondary 1 / 2 / ‘O’ Level E Math & A Math Hybrid Tuition Schedule at Novena

Full math marks maintained

In short, this is also known as …
自摸 🈵️ 胡

For a longest time, many have certainly bemoaned the scarcity of Miss Loi’s hallowed math tuition slots in Novena. To this end, fearless White Knights of the Mathematical Order have joined and brought to the front line to fight on Miss Loi’s side as her ably lieutenants.

So that more can come to Novena get the maximum chance to experience that exhilarating, once-in-a-lifetime moment of unbridled joy.

2025 Weekly Jφss Sticks Maths Sessions

Lesson Times: 
Mondays3.30 – 5.30pm
Thursdays4.00 – 6.00pm
Fridays 3.00 – 5.00pm
5.30 – 7.30pm
Saturdays 10.00am – 12.00pm
12.30 – 2.30pm
3.00 – 5.00pm
5.15 – 7.15pm
Sundays 10.00am – 12.00pm
12.30 – 2.30pm
3.00 – 5.00pm
5.15 – 7.15pm

= Extreeeemely popular slot!

New students are always welcome to join these intensive sessions, but subject to prevailing vacancies.

While The Temple always strives to cater to students’ timetables as far as possible, these schedules are subject to change. So do check here often or WhatsApp Miss Loi for the latest situation of our math tuition sessions in Novena.

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