
Tuition & Math Exam Papers FAQs

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Regarding the Golden Question

Regarding Miss Loi’s Jφss Sticks Sessions

  • Following the Chinese saying in the previous question, one must always burn joss sticks regularly to avoid contracting the terrifying LMBFH Syndrome.

    Going beyond the rhetoric, Joss Sticks refers to Miss Loi’s challenging set of exam paper questions and a Jφss Sticks Session is then, quite simply, an intensive Maths group tuition class conducted by the Venerable Miss Loi.

  • I. AM. MISS. LOI. ‘Nuff said! 😈

    While we cannot speak for other tuition centres, each group session at The Temple is limited to a +maximum of five to eighteen (depending on room size) students only, so as to ensure that each and every single one receives the maximum amount of Miss Loi’s tender loving care and benefit from her legendary teachings.

    Besides, this is most certainly NOT one of those “come-here-and-do-worksheet-while-tutor-relax-and-polish-nail” kind of tuition class. It’s really a hive of activities i.e. teaching, discussions, knowledge imparting, tips sharing, mock tests, scolding, devouring food etc. behind that serene facade of joss sticks smoke!

    +While we try as far as possible to avoid it, The Temple reserves the right to admit more students than the stated numbers during crunch times and/or due to unforeseen circumstances.
  • Ah … the mother of all FAQs.

    Strictly speaking Miss Loi has taught them all.

    Given her unfortunately-packed schedule, class size constraints, and a severe manpower crisis (i.e. there’s only one Miss Loi around), Miss Loi will ONLY be teaching Secondary School Mathematics in the foreseeable future, with priority given to students taking their O-Levels in the current year (especially those with C5 to F9 grades), since they are the ones in most dire need of Miss Loi’s salvation.

    Apologies to all PSLE and University Maths enquirers and thanks for your kind understanding.

  • Yes. But Miss Loi’s limited private home tuition slots are usually booked-out quickly by her existing long-term students.

    So unless you have a very flexible schedule (i.e. free from the usual school commitments, CCAs etc.) that allows you to be available at odd timings, you are strongly encouraged to attend her group sessions at Miss Loi’s Temple, where the schedule is better-tailored to fit Singapore’s typical school-going students.

    Scratch that. Miss Loi is not accepting any more students for private home tuition now, as she uses the time freed up through not getting stuck in Singapore’s incessant traffic jams to focus on her group tuition at The Temple.

    Thank you all for your support and referrals!

  • It does vary from time to time but in general,

    • Normal group tuition classes are held regularly throughout the week with timings typically planned around the school timetables of students in Singapore. Things get pretty busy over the weekends from Friday afternoons to Sundays.
    • During school holidays and just before major exams like the O-Levels, intensive Mega Jφss Sticks Sessions are usually held daily during the course of the holidays.
    • To avoid clashing with the classes, private one-to-one tuition are normally scheduled on weekdays.

    For more updates, Miss Loi’s latest class schedule can always be found here. Alternately, you may also click on the pretty Class Schedule Link at the top of this website!

  • Each session is 2 hours, give and take. Normally one chapter from the syllabus will be covered in a session.

  • The number of students in our typically cozy joss sticks session hovers between 6-15 students (depending on tutor). This number may be increased for Mega Jφss Sticks Sessions during intensive exam periods.

    Normally Miss Loi will assess and gauge your current standard when you first contact her as well as during your first lesson with her.

  • If you are unable to come for a session, please inform Miss Loi in advance (“in advance” ≠ an hour before the lesson!) so that arrangements can be made for you to attend another time slot, and to prevent a worried Miss Loi from waiting for you in vain. 🙁


    As Miss Loi & The Temple is kind enough not to count the lessons you’ve missed as part of the fees, persistent abuse of this benevolent policy may result in your permanent exile from The Temple with no hope of redemption!

    *shows stern face*

  • Apart from Miss Loi’s legendary all-out teaching, text books, 10-year series, worksheets, formula sheets, graph papers and selected killer questions from Miss Loi’s exam papers are all available to make your stay a pleasant one.

    As an added bonus, mini-tests and homework are usually thrown in at the end of each session. 😉

  • Apart from yourself (duh), please bring along your calculator, mathematical instrument (e.g. compass), and your personal multi-coloured kawaii stationery to jot down important tips and notes.

    But most importantly, you must bring along your finished homework from the previous session!

  • Registration fee? Deposit? What’s that har?

    But kindly note that The Temple’s usual practice is to collect regular tuition fees for 4 × sessions on the first of every four lessons.

  • Unfortunately due to Miss Loi’s hectic schedule and small class size, it would be difficult to plan her timetable to accommodate trial sessions for individual students.

    As such, she is sorry that she is unable to accede to any request for trial lessons.

Regarding Miss Loi’s Temple

Regarding Miss Loi’s Exam Papers

Regarding Technical Issues

Regarding Contacting Miss Loi

Miss Loi answering SOS calls!

  • First of all, please accept Miss Loi’s sincere apology for missing your call.

    In the name of accountability and transparency, here’s an (inexhaustive) list of what might have happened when you tried but failed to reach Miss Loi in that fateful moment:

    • She was teaching. (Highest probability!)
    • She was on the line with another caller.
    • She was driving and had forgotten to connect her handsfree kit (she hates Bluetooth BTW).
    • Her phone’s battery was flat.
    • She was out of network range (especially when she’s overseas).
    • She was sleeping (there were ever missed calls at 3am).
    • Her phone got lost in her bottomless bag and all that frantic rummaging failed to recover it before it went silent.
    • Her intricate nail art was still wet from her manicure which made handling her phone EXTREMELY dangerous.

    In this case, please SMS Miss Loi your contact number (if yours is a private/unreachable office number) and she’ll get back to you as soon as possible.

  • Don’t worry, the ever affable Miss Loi most certainly didn’t forget you.

    As her backlog of calls and requests for help can build up pretty quickly especially during the peak seasons, she seeks your kind patience that she might sometimes take a while to get back to you.

    N.B. Please leave your contact number if you’re enquiring via email should you wish to minimize the time it takes to hear Miss Loi’s lovely voice for the very first time.
  • Provided you have no hidden dark motive and are not trying to sell her something, Miss Loi will definitely respond within a couple of days.

    There’s a slight possibility, however, that your SMS had failed to reach her or that your email might have inadvertently ended up in her heavily-populated Junk Mail folder or, heaven forbids, her email might have ended in YOUR Junk Mail folder!

    In any case, please try calling again.

  • Ooh … *tidies hair*

    To pre-empt the possibility of Miss Loi sprouting nonsense after a tiring day of tuition, it’s best if you could first send her in advance a rough list of the questions that you might be asking.

  • While Miss Loi is extremely flattered by your proposal, she would really appreciate if you could first email her a brief outline of your proposition for her digestion, for grave matters like conquering the Universe do take a bit of time to sink into her innocent mind.

  • Umm … Sorry, Miss Loi is already taken … by her students.

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