
Lisabelle Tan

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Tuition given in the topic of from the desk of Admin at 10:47 am (Singapore time)

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(Miss Loi: Spellcheck doesn’t seem to be working for this one …)

Hi Ms Loi! I can’t believe that it’s been 4 years since i stepped into the Temple and became your disciple, a Mecks Monk. From a perpetually “last-in-class-for-P5P6-Mecks” to a “lol-I-passed Amath!!” student, and occasionally shocking myself with surprisingly decent Mecks grades. 😮

I still recall struggling with Mecks in Sec 1 and Sec 2 so much that I felt like I could just 😥 there and then from the Mecks phobia. Of course I still do experience occasional bouts of anti-mecks feelings, but they are less frequent now 🙂 I took Amath cause I felt that, well, I already had mecks tuition, so might as well 一举两得, one tuition cover 2 subjects. I never thought I could pass Amath after hearing the horror stories from seniors, about Amath being a universally failed subject, too arcane, too etc etc. And it was ZOMG shocking when I was regarded as ‘good at Mecks’ in class by my classmates and teachers.

Nevertheless, I am vvvvvv grateful for your help/tutoring for these 4 years or so, you’ve helped me keep afloat amidst the intimidating mecks tsunamis that threaten to engulf me. Even if I go out the exam hall feeling like I would flunk the paper, I would at least errrr… get back my paper with a ‘decent’ score, and this was quite a nice surprise actually.

I am not your most prodigious disciple, and I will never reach mecks nirvana like you have. I might always regard Amath as ‘Apocalyptical Mecks’, Math topics to be ‘Glaph’, ‘Trickonometry’,’Madsuration’ and draw angry on my math exam scripts (taboo yes), but I will always recall the shining, glorious moments when I aced random mecks tests and etc. Attribute to you 😀

All this being said … here’s a HUGE THANK YOU to you, and an apology for making you read my extremely illegible handwriting (did I blind you?) Okay. I should end this extremely incoherent ‘essay’ now 😛


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