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Salvation For The Masses

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi's Exam Papers from the desk of Miss Loi at 10:47 pm (Singapore time)

Under a pale grey sky he stood, by the busy pedestrian crossing in front of Bras Basah Complex, oblivious to the passing group of cutie schoolgirls as he reflected on yet another wasted trip there in search of those elusive Ten-Year Series.

In a dark empty classroom she sat, hanging her head in despair after being outscored yet again by that foreign cyborg in the latest maths test, as she desperately sought for more difficult and trickier sets of questions that will hopefully lead her to victory in the next test.

In a chaotic study room he raged, with eyes like those of a madman as he screamed for more to satisfy his insatiable thirst for math questions, having finished every known assessment book that was ever published, plus all the Ten-Year Series from 10.000 B.C. to 2008 A.D.

And on a messy desk she wept, wondering when will she be able to make sense of the maths questions, despite going through them a many times and still getting them wrong every time.

All of them had a wish in common …

Meanwhile, the skies above were suddenly filled with a large flock of white doves, carrying the Word to all corners of the land – that THEY are finally here …

Miss Loi's 2009 Exam Papers with Full Worked Solutions

*************** START OF ADVERTORIAL ***************

And so after nights upon nights, months upon months of toiling at The Temple, Miss Loi’s 2009 Exam Papers are finally released!

Used regularly by Miss Loi in her Jφss Sticks Sessions, these series of more than 3000 Sec One/Two/Three/O Level Mathematics questions carefully hand-picked & adapted from actual tests/exams of top schools in Singapore are now available to help everyone overcome the lack of Ten-Year Series, spot the recurring trends & patterns in exams, beat your class foreign cyborg, and satisfy the maths question fetish of all students out there.

And what’s more, they now come complete with FULL STEP-BY-STEP WORKED SOLUTIONS to make your salvation process just a little bit more painless!

So what are you waiting for???! Sign up for a free account and preview the papers today!

*************** END OF ADVERTORIAL ***************

And thus their wishes are fulfilled, and salvation finally extended to the masses.

Time to take a break.


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Comments & Reactions


  1. Vivian's Avatar
    Vivian commented in tuition class


    Hey, could I ask what pen you used for the H1/H2 math papers, they are really neat.

  2. Poets' Design's Avatar
    Poets' Design commented in tuition class


    How are you today?
    I like the content of your blog, Very interesting and useful...
    I hope you can exchange the link with my new blog
    Thanks and have a nice day

  3. Miss Loi's Avatar
    Miss Loi Friend Miss Loi on Facebook @MissLoi commented in tuition class


    Vivian: Ooh Miss Loi's trusty Pilot G-1 GRIP is blushing with red ink right now.

  4. Benjamin Lee's Avatar
    Benjamin Lee commented in tuition class


    Ms. Loi,

    Did you do up the blog all by yourself? I am impress at the designs. I vote you for design. In terms of content...you are a real mathematician. At the present, I only uses basic maths like Fibonacci sequence and pi to calculate stock markets top and bottom.

    Maybe one of these days, you could impart some of your knowledge to me 🙂 so that I could apply geometry to stock market.

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