As students march into the final leg of their epic journey to the O-Level exams this year, it is clear that the war is being waged on two fronts. Besides the eternal struggle with the LMBFH Syndrome within themselves, the invasion of the foreign cyborgs in recent years has created a new threat to their quest for that coveted Distinction.

Can you?
With reports springing up everywhere on cyborgs averaging 90+ marks per maths test, Miss Loi has told her students countless times that 75 marks is unlikely to get you that Distinction.
Hence Miss Loi’s Temple is now opening its Gates again for joss sticks sessions during this critical period. Available to all students taking their E-Maths and/or A-Maths O-Level exams this October, these weekly tuition sessions will ensure you go into your final battle LMBFH Syndrome-free and transform you into one mean scoring machine who is more than capable of fending off the attacks from the cyborg army!
Details/schedule as follows:
Lesson Times: | Every Friday: 3.30-5.30pm (Slot I) 5.30-7.30pm (Slot II) Every Saturday: |
Venue: | Miss Loi’s Temple |
Class Size: | Limited to 4 students |
As far as possible, students of similar results shall be grouped together to ensure a comfortable learning pace for all within the same slot. Contact Miss Loi now to confirm the most suitable slot for you!
More details are found in the Class Schedule Page. Do check back often for the latest updates.
Students, TRANSFORM and roll out!!!
IMPORTANT From past experience these sessions tend to fill up pretty fast so please, please contact Miss Loi now to confirm your early salvation!
Hey,how was ur bday?did you spend it once again tutoring?Lol.
btw,hope u can view my blog,or comment.just click on my name if you want :P!
hope to see more of your questions,haha..
winston: You've guessed it - had been tutoring for the best part of the day! But did managed to catch Transformers that night, which inspired the pic of Megatron here. Hehe.
Went to your blog but having some difficulties navigating. You must understand that Miss Loi's Mac doesn't have IE 🙂
You actually missed the maths questions?! Don't worry they will be back very, very soon. Any particular topic you would like to try?
Haha,i am catchin' it today! Haha,you must understand that mrfong here is very suaku,and does not know what is IE! and i am still trying to find out how to add pictures on blogs,haha.
ya i miss questions that i am not sure of 😛 i hope for pri sch qns! Hope you go with your friend to buy from popular again and you snap the questions because pri sch more brain-damaging than sec sch questions 🙂
Miss Loi! I went Novena yesterday and couldnt see your directional signs! =(
IE = Internet Explorer 😉
According to Trusty Webmaster, there're quite a few accessibility issues with your blog's design that prevented us from navigating it properly. Maybe you can direct all technical questions to him?
P.S. His email can be found somewhere in this blog 🙂
BR: Novena is a big place. You just have to look harder!
Haha,does he reply here,on this tagboard? 🙂
Haha don't think he wants to hijack Miss Loi's comments column!
The signs aint posted around the MRT? =(
BR, Miss Loi really, really wished she could do that!
Hahaha, so which exit do I have to take to see them?
Keep looking and your determination shall be rewarded 😉
Aiyoyo! Haha, I was going Novena for some business thats why thought can 'shunbian' take a look at the popular directional signs mah!
hi ms loi,how did you advertise your blog until so many readers!!!! Haha,good job anyway.
just want to say that i liked your blog so much until i copied it,up to the banding of the labels! :O
do you mind? the blog is
it is basically a copy that i did without much thought, but in PSLE maths...hope you don't mind,sorry though! :O
Wah winston ah ... seen your new blog ... readers might think that Miss Loi now has a son!
ya lor... 🙁 and u are too young for that,lol.your blog too inspiring,i half-copied the last post :S
sorry ah, you mind anot?if you really mind i will think about hwo to edit it!
Well, I think you should seriously have your 'own' blog and not adapting from Miss Loi's.
fair enough,sorry then! Will think of how to change it.
ms loi,i have already edited the themes of the blog,hope it is not so conspicuous! please do go and see if it is inconspicuous enough ok...thanks!
however i would ask u if i could keep 1 aspect, the passing down of difficult questions to help in PSLE? it is just too addictive! lol.
by the way,there are rumours that ACSI's core maths year 4 paper 2 is supremely difficult, so if you want please do ask your students for a copy! good luck! 😀
Winston, actually Miss Loi has no problem with your new blog. To be fair, first-time readers should not be able to detect the similarities - at least not to the extent of this vs this!
But IMHO, it's good for every aspiring blogger to develop his/her own unique style of writing coz that's simply who you are and what people are going to remember you for. Of coz there're other aspects like theme, branding, target audience etc which Miss Loi thinks will be better explained by BR who should be expert on these matters 🙂
yes,fair enough..Lol,it is because i just started to seriously blog so a style would hopefully materialize quickly!!!
Blogs are fascinating because there are so many differing factors that affect others under the simple notion of just plain diary-writing- i.e. there are so many factors more that u have to take into account compared to when u write to ur diary.
so hopefully with target audiences that are almost identical,a new style would emerge that is successful,like yours! 😀
P.s. what is branding?
btw,is it still possible that i can put out psle qns? hopefully ou don't mind... :O
another qn: i would like to know,how did you publicize ur blog so successfully in such a short time! 🙂
Hey winston, Miss Loi thinks you're thinking too much into this! Just write as per normal and your very own style will materialize from Day One.
Frankly, the way this blog is written is (as you described) just plain diary writing - hence the title 'Diary of a Private Maths Tutor ...'. There are of course some basic considerations in view of the audience e.g. like making sure the facts are right but nothing majorly overwhelming to make blogging stressful.
Regarding PSLE questions, are there any here in the first place??? 🙂
Regaring blog publicity, well ... compared to some of the famous ones, this blog is not that 'successful' yet lah 🙂
Haha,no problem,thanks.Nope coz it's new,but how did you publicize it so well in such a short time?Esp it is publicizing to strangers! :O
i have just posted another post,i think it is normal 😛 if you dun mind just go take a look at the post and layout,and try the 2 questions as u go along too! 😀
To be frank, I find your writing style similar to Miss Loi's.
BR: of course,that's why i asked her to see if it was really similar.These posts were copied over from my old blog, and some even before i even knew about her blog as i saved them in drafts to stagger the posts' 'birth',lol!
I do see quite a lot of MsLoi's style esp in the latest post as the target audience is almost similar, but i do think it is a hybrid of all the teaching blogs i have read, and maybe it is even a hybrid of all the blogs i have read!
Btw BR,have you found the signs? I havn't.. 🙁
But it just feels as if you are imitating her blog.
An accusation that is all and well,but it is impossible to imitate something that you have not seen when you produced it.
If i were imitating her,i have at least 20 other blogs that i am imitating then! did you find the signs?
But yours werent publicly heard of compared to hers thus the impression, I did not accuse you. I merely said it feels as if you are.
Lol,fair enough..I suspect this blog will not be publicly heard of forever, as the target audience is made up of p6s and their parents, hardly a blogging age. However the purpose is just to communicate and hopefully get more business (admittedly),and just give away some difficult questions that i feel that favours appearing in the PSLE.
But if i were to copy Ms loi it would be a waste as i am copying for nothing, as the same blogging style does not work as much for younger kids 🙁
Anyway, hope you try the questions, BR, and try to answer if possible! 🙂
P.s. i am trying to get the technora---- thing to publicize it 😀
Guys, Miss Loi feels that this discussion is getting a bit too off-tangent.
So let's end this here shall we? 🙂