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I Have A Dream …

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi the Tutor from the desk of Miss Loi at 12:50 am (Singapore time)

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Perhaps it’s the tight schedule this week that caused Miss Loi to have many recurring dreams in the nights.

Dreams of her waking up before sunrise in a mad rush to be on time for her mari-kita (and avoid a pink slip).

Dreams of her trying desperately to avoid gusts of wind that would further ruin her already-tragic hairdo, and hoping that she won’t bump into her crush if that happened.

Oh yes those crushes, one of whom was rumoured to have a crush on another girl, who was rumoured to have a crush on another guy, who in turn was rumoured to have a crush on her (???!!)

Dreams of friends abandoning age-old cliques for mass flirting socializing with the opposite sex, returning once in awhile to ‘tau-pok‘ or dunk their old friends on their birthdays.

Dreams of rushing to chope a seat in the last 1-2 rows of the LT, so that she won’t be so easily spotted when the inevitable Drunken Fist aka 打醉拳 session comes.


Dreams of bitchy GP tutors who liked to pick on people during tutorial, and of demoralizing lecturers who encouraged all to drop the subject on the very first lesson.

Dreams of futile last-minute attempts to finish studying the topics for yet another test the next day.

Dreams of taking the bus to Orchard Road for stress-free weekday shopping during pon-tanged free periods.

Dreams of her own beautiful notes which were meticulously highlighted using the entire colour range offered by the series of highlighters, and dreams of those frantic zap zap zap sessions just before the exam for the notes that were missing because she skipped the lectures.

Dreams of those long study sessions in the library during exam periods, which continued long into the night at the canteen after the library had closed, after which they soon degenerated into some supper/chit-chat/sing song/ghost stories sessions.

And as she woke up at the end of each dream which reminded her vividly that she was once a JC student, she heaved a sigh of relief that there’s no test or exam today, but at the same time felt a great tinge of sadness that nothing can ever, ever bring those days back again.

Regardless of where you end up, may all ‘O’ Level 2009 students make the most of your experience and enjoy your stay at your new school to the fullest!

P.S. Strange but true, Miss Loi has really been having such dreams this past week.

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