After a bad 1.5 days of jet-lag, a freezing Miss Loi is finally able to say a big ¡Hola! from Madrid, Spain, to put an end to the mystery of the ‘S’ and one of the ‘M’s in this photo.

Now to take care of the other two ‘M’s, Miss Loi will be flying off tomorrow (after hopefully seeing a certain Cristiano Ronaldo in action later) to a place that’s been repeatedly sung in the following music video:
A place which will hopefully be a little warmer. But a place that’s surely rough and tumble enough to cause Miss Loi to postpone her shopping here in the Spanish capital …
Till next time/year then!
If you haven’t already heard, Miss Loi is currently overseas till 7 January 2010.
Apologies in advance if she’s unable to respond to any enquiry in the next 2 weeks as she’ll be away from civilisation where the internet connection is expected to be non-existent or seriously unreliable.
During this period, please kindly call our standby tutor at 9649 5239 who will be on hand to answer your queries.
If you die die wish to contact Miss Loi, you may email her and she will try her best to reply as soon as she finds the next reliable internet access point (if it exists in the first place 🙁 ).