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GCE O-Level 2009 Oct/Nov Chemistry 5072 & Biology 5094 MCQ Paper 1 Suggested Answers & Solutions

Tuition given in the topic of Little Miss Loi the Science Tutor (archived) from the desk of Little Miss Loi at 6:20 pm (Singapore time)

Finally … after working out a total of 180 MCQs in the past days, I’m at the end of my 2009 ‘O’ Level Science MCQ nightmare crusade!

O-Level 2009 October/November Chemistry 5072 Paper 1 Suggested Solutions O-Level 2009 October/November Biology 5094 Paper 1 Suggested Solutions

2009 O-Level Oct/Nov Chemistry 5072 (left) & Biology 5094 (right) MCQ Paper 1 Suggested Solutions – click to download

As usual hope the explanations will help clear up some doubts on these rather tricky papers this year. And, for the last time, please leave a comment if you spot any mistake, typo and/or disagree with any of the explanations given.

Now that the massive stimulation of A1 receptors and grade regulators in my hands and hypothalamus respectively is over, it’s time for my neurons to join those of all O-Level 2009 students and assume their refractory period … YAY!!!

*drops dead*

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