OK after a long, long night here are my suggested answers for the Combined Science (Physics, Chemistry) 5116 and (Physics, Biology) 5117 MCQ Paper 1 (along with the usual workings, diagrams and explanations).
Those of you taking other combinations (e.g. Chemistry/Biology 5118) in this ‘O’ Level should probably encounter the same set of 20 Physics or 20 Chemistry or 20 Biology MCQs.

Physics/Chemistry 5116 (left) & Physics/Biology 5117 (right) – click to download
Hope the explanations will clear up some doubts in the argument discussion with your friends on whether it’s “B or C” or “A or B or C or D” (?!) Once again, please leave a comment if you spot any mistake, typo and/or wish to clarify any of the explanations given.
All of you should be rejoicing now in your new-found freedom. Unfortunately not for me though 🙁 *looks over shoulder at my sister*