Miss Loi avatar

The Facebook Friend

Tuition given in the topic of A-Maths Tuition Questions from the desk of Miss Loi at 1:50 am (Singapore time)

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It’s that time of the year again.

It’s the season when the stifling scent of joss sticks fills the air, and a pall of smoke hangs over the land. A time when little kids are told in no uncertain terms to say ‘excuse me‘ before they go peepee in the bushes.

Formula Sheets

Kawaii, aren’t they?

Shaken by last year’s harrowing encounter with the Binomial Zombie, Miss Loi decided not to stay too late at The Temple tonight, preferring to do up her colourful cutie set of formula sheets within the relative safety of her home this time round.

After a marathon workout session with the laptop, a tired Miss Loi did what most skiving teenagers at her age would do when they take a break from studying: login to her Facebook account.

Facebook Friend Requests

Sieving through the many dodgy friend requests that invariably showed up, she was drawn to this particular one:

Sadako's Friendship Request

The helpless-looking plea triggered her mathematical maternal instinct, and coupled with her excitement at meeting another Loi, made her click the ‘Confirm’ button without hesitation, totally failing to notice her long unkempt hair, and her Japanese-sounding first name.

Sadako's Friendship Confirmed

A while later this appeared on Miss Loi’s wall

Sadako's 1st Wall Post

Miss Loi duly replied:

Miss Loi's reply

And she replied:

Sadako's 2nd Wall Post

And then Miss Loi replied again:

Miss Loi's 2nd reply

And finally she replied:

Sadako's 3rd Wall Post

And this was what Miss Loi saw …

At the very moment a stunned Miss Loi finished viewing the video, the Facebook notification icon at the bottom-right of her screen popped up with a message …

Facebook Notification

… and she found this message waiting for her in her inbox

Sadako's Final Message

Now that YOU have watched the video, you have seven days to post up the solution here in order to save yourself from being dragged into your monitor screen by Sadako Loi!

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