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Happy Day Of The ‘Chers!

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi the Tutor from the desk of Miss Loi at 9:28 am (Singapore time)

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A busy August has flown by.

With a blink of an eye, the Day of the ‘Chers has arrived. (It rhymes!)

Mr Loi's Teachers' Day Cake

Mr Loi’s Teachers’ Day Cake

A day when ‘Chers (at least the non-hated ones) around Singapore get inundated with cutesy gifts, some of which are so exquisitely wrapped that it feels sinful just thinking about opening them.


No Royce chocolate melted during the filming process

When they repeatedly get “Awww ….“, “Awwwwwwww ….“, “AWWWWWWWWWW ….” reading the numerous emo messages dedicated to them.

Teachers Day Messages
More Teachers Day Messages
Teachers Day Cards

Awwwww …

And a day when Miss Loi receives her report book from her student *sweats*

Miss Loi's Report Book Miss Loi's Teachers' Day Report


While Miss Loi (and all the Lois at The Temple) is once again extremely thankful and flattered by your messages and gifts (and the time some of you spent to make them), the Ultimate Gift that she craves and lusts from you shall always remain unchanged: that A1 for your O-Levels!

Last but not least, if you haven’t yet done so or, like someone with a crush, just can’t bring yourself to say it in front of your stern-looking Cher (but deep down you desperately want to with all your heart), here’s a great chance now for you to do it at Teachersday.sg and show your love (not confess your crush!) and appreciation and repent your sins to The One who, though stern-looking, have been working tirelessly each day driving your forward, marking your homework, checking if you have H1N1, putting up with your nonsense – all in the name of helping you live up to your full potential.

At the end of day, it’s always, always the little thought that count isn’t it?

Teachers' Day 2009
More Teachers' Day 2009 Gifts
Happy Teachers’ Day Everyone!
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