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THAT THING Is Finally Back!

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi the Tutor from the desk of Miss Loi at 11:36 pm (Singapore time)

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“Eh, have you been approached by customers regarding THAT THING yet?”

“Of course lah! Today alone already got three asked me about THAT THING!”

“Yalor … I walk back and forth bringing customers to the area of THAT THING until sianz already …”

… and that’s what Miss Loi managed to eavesdrop of the conversation within the group of ah lian salesgirls while hunting for a book on hairstyling tips in a major bookstall.

With a sudden realization, she rushed quickly to the area of THAT THING, to find a couple of people looking suspiciously like tutors already trying to make a clean sweep of the stacks.

And so to those of you who have been emailing/calling/SMS-ing all the “Miss Loi do you sell the Ten-Year Series?”, “Miss Loi do you have copies of past O-Level exam papers?”, “Miss Loi, can download all the Ten-Year Series from your website???” messages, let it be know that after a contract wrangle of Cristiano Ronaldo proportions, the new Ten-Year Series are finally back on the shelves (apparently even before July has started).

New Ten Year Series 2008

(L-R) Hairstyling Tips Book, 1999-2008 E-Maths Ten-Year Series,
1999-2008 A-Maths Ten-Year Series

So if you’re one of the many who’ve been waiting an age for them, go grab them now before people like Miss Loi (who look suspiciously like tutors) sweep them clean. And please, please practice them if you haven’t yet done so (don’t keep them as souvenirs!).

Most importantly, they contain all the QUESTIONS of the suggested solutions to the 2008 O/A-Level October/November papers on the top-left of this website!


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