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Biological Warfare At The Temple Gates

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi's Temple aka Joss Sticks Tuition Centre from the desk of Little Miss Loi at 9:44 pm (Singapore time)

Updated on
Mitigation Phase

“Mitigation” Phase


As we’re reportedly now in the last leg of the great H1N1 fight (even though Singapore should have well beyond 1000 cases by now), it’s time to remove the irrelevant list of affected countries from the notice.

In these dangerous times when an unseen enemy threatens to extend everyone’s June holidays, the grave-looking Biological Specialist of The Temple has issued the following urgent announcement (especially for those of you returning from your tour to some exotic location or have been partying illegally in some club disguised as a dairy product manfacturer etc.):

Unseen Enemy At The Temple Gates

In addition, all visitors/students at The Temple are advised to adhere to good personal & environmental hygiene practices (which you should have been doing all along anyway) i.e.

  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water before & after class
  • Avoid physical contact (e.g. hugging one another emotionally after solving a difficult problem) whenever possible
  • Look away and cover your nose & mouth with a tissue whenever you cough or sneeze
  • Refrain from disgusting acts like leaving used tissues on the table, wiping your germ-infected hands on books/chairs/eyes/mouths/nose/anything/anyone you can (literally) lay your dirty hands on … ewwwww … 🙁

We seek your kind cooperation for the sake of everyone’s well-being, and to preempt the possibility of The Temple having to re-locate to some far-flung resort where, as Miss Loi was told, there’s no Starhub Cable TV which means that she will miss at least a week’s worth of the Channel 55/255 娱家戏剧台 VV dramas!


Jubilent Hong Kong Students

Will we see the same unbridled joy like
those on the faces of these Hong Kong students?

P.S. Speaking of extending the school holidays, after being questioned an umpteenth time by her students on whether she has any “insider info” on this matter, Miss Loi actually went to ask a teacher friend of hers …

Miss Loi:Eh cher, do you know if the June holidays will be extended? Shouldn’t they have announced it by now if it’s true?”

Mean Teacher Friend:Aiyoh Miss Loi, please use your BRAIN lah! I thought you very smart one?”


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