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How To Win Friends And Influence People

Tuition given in the topic of Study Break from the desk of Miss Loi at 11:43 am (Singapore time)

Admittedly, Miss Loi has been on a bit of a blogging hiatus lately (sorry will get back to replying the comments here later).

She’s been slogging away at The Temple, busily juggling a multitude of tasks like replying emails and assuring kan cheong parents over the phone of their kids’ progress and 打小报告 on their misdemeanours in class, and applying the finishing touches to her Sec Three/O Level exam papers, whenever she’s not preparing students for their upcoming Mids.

And on one such afternoon yesterday, she had just completed compiling her Mensuration chapter of her topical exercise, and was about to take a break with a new episode of the TVB drama when she was startled by the sudden appearance of a man at The Temple Gates.

Miss, interested in this mobile phone charger? Can charge your phone on the move, no need to plug into the wall one.

*shakes head*

What about this torch? Very long lasting one. Interested?

*shakes head*

Convinced that Miss Loi is neither a fan of his super duper wall-less charger nor his eternal torch, he began walking towards the inner chambers of The Temple, convinced there were far easier prey that lie within.

Umm … sorry you’re not supposed to sell your stuff here.

The man looked offended.

Why can’t I sell here? This is an office. It’s a place for business. I’m doing business, and you’re doing business too. So why can’t I sell here?!

*stunned for a moment*

Anyway, you’re not supposed to sell things here … please leave now.

The man went hysterical.

What is your problem?! Why are you so aggressive? WHY ARE YOU BEING SUCH A RUDE CUSTOMER?!!!

With that, he stormed out.

And so it came to pass that on this day, after all the years of reprimanding students without mercy, the mighty High Priestess finally found herself on the opposite end of a scolding, in her own office, by a spurned trespassing mobile charger cum torch salesman.

P.S. Sorry, just had to get this out of the system 😕 Alright back to work …

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