
All The Best For Your A-Level Results!

Tuition given in the topic of H1/H2 (A Level) Maths Tutor from the desk of The Higher Council at 9:49 am (Singapore time)

Hello everyone it’s me again.

While my poor sister is still mired in churning out her 2009 exam papers, I would like to take the opportunity to say a big

All The Very Best!

to all who are getting your A-Level results today.

Though this has replaced your O-Levels as your most important results to date, the following quote (stolen from my sister)

One exam simply does not determine your entire future and what you do in your lifetime.

is still very relevant to this exam as it did for your O-Levels.

For it’s worth noting that, regardless of the course (preferred or otherwise) you end up taking in your tertiary institution, bigger and progressively challenging trials await you in the future, and it’s often your PASSION that will carry you through at the end of the day.

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