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Singapore Has Run Out Of Graph Paper

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi's Car from the desk of Miss Loi at 9:52 pm (Singapore time)

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Regrettably, Miss Loi has been conspicuously absent from blogging activities this past week, not least due to her being mired in the neckache-inducing task of churning out her series of 2009 Exam Papers (Yes they’re really coming soon!).

On a less obvious note, it’s been awhile since she last wrote anything on the adventures of her little car, as things can get a little mundane revolving around life-threatening incidents and tragic parking tickets.

When the sun rose this morning to reveal the car in its usual daytime splendor, however, Miss Loi was encouraged to write about it again, for she’s glad in some ways that Mathematics is never far from people’s minds:

My Scratched Car

Click to view the graph-fitti in its full glory

Mr Vandal, it’s highly unlikely that Singapore has run out of graph paper, but even if that should happen, a car (albeit driven by a sexy maths tutor) is most certainly NOT an appropriate medium for you to practice your graph sketching.

Furthermore, assuming you were trying to sketch an exponential graph y=ax, a > 1 (since your graphfitti resembles it the most) using the rear door of Miss Loi’s car as the y-axis, note that marks will be deducted for that unnecessarily “wavy” portion for x > 0 since all exponential curves (i.e. y=kax, k > 0, a > 0, a ≠ 1) have NO turning point and are supposed to be smooth.

Lastly, please remember to label your graph and axes the next time. 😕

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