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It’s Judgement Day Tomorrow – Not Doomsday!

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi the Tutor from the desk of Miss Loi at 7:26 pm (Singapore time)

Less than 24 hours lie between now and Judgement Day.

Amid all the doomsday talk e.g.

Anyone know any good coffin makers?? … 12 JAN – THE DAY I’LL DIE … Now then, to prepare an extra change of school skirt just in case I pee in em prior to stepping into the school hall … suicide in 2 days time! wooohoo! … Let’s all die together. hah, hah.

… scribbled on the wall of that little Judgement Day Facebook event created by Miss Loi (albeit “hosted” by the “Ministry of Education”) which astonishingly, at the time of writing, has 1000+ confirmed guests (whom she’s convinced a substantial number “joined” thinking it’s some underground rave party hosted by the Ministry of Sound), she shall repeat what she’d had said last year and the year before – and that is, despite all that has been said by the vocal proponents of the rat race,

One exam simply does not determine your entire future and what you do in your lifetime.

The road ahead is just too long for this, and the only person who’s really judging you on Judgement Day is yourself.

With that, Miss Loi shall leave you with a little mash-up of some of the well-wishes from your fellow peers extracted from that same wall, to add to her own voice, and maybe just to show that there’s still that little bit of love in the system that we exist in:

All the best - from Facebook!

May your tears of joy flow freely tomorrow (only if you’re the hum bao type).

P.S. And Miss Loi has just discovered the Let Live & Let Die for O Level Results 2008/09 Facebook group, plus this very, very naughty Facebook fan page.
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