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Judgement Day On Monday!

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi the Tutor from the desk of Miss Loi at 7:50 pm (Singapore time)

And so the judge was right, the HCL cher was right, some bookies were right, and that Powerpoint slide told the truth, for the fate of all GCE ‘O’ Level 2008 results shall be released and made known on Monday, for the date of 12 January 2009 2pm shall be …

*cue for Terminator music* *deng deng deng deng dengdeng deng deng deng deng …*

Good Luck Everyone!
… and Miss Loi shall look forward to your tears of joy.

*starts jumping up and down like a siao char bor again*

P.S. Thanks for the scoop, Maisurah dear 😉

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