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Judgement Day To Fall On 12 January?

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi the Tutor from the desk of Miss Loi at 11:40 pm (Singapore time)

Updated on

7 JAN 6:30PM UPDATE: The bell has tolled!

7 JAN 3:30PM UPDATE: Actually got in touch with MOE’s Webmaster! But … umm … nothing came out of this little rendezvous though haha.

6 JAN 7:33PM UPDATE: More intriguing evidence pointing to 12 Jan has surfaced. Apparently, the date (along with the 2pm timing) was seen on a Powerpoint slide during a poly open house briefing today.

For those who can’t see the message in the link, it says

O level results coming out on next mon(12 jan) 2 p.m! Woots!

… my friend got poly open house briefing today. then the ppt shows this info. hmm tmr papers might be out lah…

Ooh … how exciting … *begins to jump up and down*

In true Da Vinci Code fashion, Early January remains the only cryptic clue left by the powers-that-be with regards to the exact date of Judgement Day 2009 – that day of reckoning when the 2008 O Level results are finally released.

And with every principal/teacher/employee of the shady MOE having apparently been made to swear by their entire ancestry tree not to divulge anything on this matter else they may lose a finger or two, speculation has reached fever pitch as we move into “Early January” territory.

So far, dates ranging from 2 January (“cos it’s early January!”) all the way till after Chinese New Year (“cos they want us to ‘enjoy‘ our Chinese New Year mah!”) have been respectively “confirmed” by “a teacher who’ve been in a meeting with the principal”, “a friend who overheard a conversation in the staff room”, “an aunt who works in the MOE”, and other sneaky moles risking their lives as undercovers in the organisation.

However, while scouring the net for further clues just now, Miss Loi happens to come across this blog post where the author managed to ‘CSI’ (to borrow this notorious word from Hardwarezoners) the following information:

Latest grapevine……..

Release of “O” level 2008 exam results.

There was a newspaper report (Straits Times, 24 Dec 09) saying that a woman criminal was sentenced to jail. But she request the judge to postpone her jail sentence, because she said she want to guide her daughter thru the O level results and thru the JAE.

Then the judge said OK, and he consulted MOE. Then he postponed her jail sentence to start on 19 Jan 09.

Therefore, by logical deduction, that JAE will definitely end before 19 Jan 09. (Mon).

Since 19 Jan 09 is a Monday, that means the last day of JAE is likely to be on 16 or 17 Jan 09.

This means that “O” level results will be likely announced on 12 Jan 09.

And below it, she finds this intriguing comment:

My aunt work in MOE. i went to ask her. apparently, they already fix the exact date, but they cannot reveal… supposed to keep secret…

i ask her about e above, she cannot answer.. she juz drop a hint… “clever, v clever.”

so u can guess…

if i got more news from my aunt, i update u guys on this blog, okie?…

To all O level students…hang in there..

Dun panic. keep praying.

So has the Da Vinci Code been broken?

In any case, don’t worry so much and enjoy your real first day of school tomorrow everyone!

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