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The Temple Walls Are Turning Green!

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi's Temple aka Joss Sticks Tuition Centre from the desk of Miss Loi at 5:38 pm (Singapore time)

The Temple walls are turning green.

The Temple Walls Are Turning Green!

Or “Apple Green”, or “Lime Mist”,
insisted Miss Loi’s kaypoh aunt and Nippon Paint’s catalogue respectively

For a week, ungodly *KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK* *BANG BANG BANG* *KOK KOK KOK* sounds have been heard coming from The Temple.

Tools of the Trade

Tools of the trade
for punishing students who never do their homework

Where hammer-wielding men have been turning up daily to hunt down Miss Loi like a scene from a horror movie.

A Hammer-Wielding Man

Yoohoo … Miss Loi … where are you?

Leaving The Temple in a state of mess each day after they leave.

Temple Mess

I’m here! I’m here! Behind that pole!

On another front, a bunch of skill-few people was roped in to turn the walls green.

A Skill-Few Bum

A “skill-few” bum.

However, skill-few-ness began to take its toll, and Miss Loi (and Mr Loi, and Little Miss Loi, and …) had to be activated to join the exercise of a thousand up … down … up … down strokes to finish the job, resulting her having body aches for the next few days. Tsk tsk.

The Terrifying Pores

Terrifying pores that jumped out from paint trays and devoured everyone
(insider joke :P)

But in the end, it was done. Miss Loi’s Temple has finally been extended and metamorphosed to a new shade of green (or “Apple Green”, or “Lime Mist”, says the kaypoh aunt and the paint catalogue respectively), to seal its spiritual colour union with Jφss Sticks.

The Temple Renovated

I Now Pronounce You Temple & Blog *wedding bells*

Admittedly, things are not 100% running yet. But that’ll do for now to welcome her new batch of students to kick-start Day One of tomorrow’s December Holiday Jφss Sticks Sessions.

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