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GCE O-Level 2008 Oct/Nov Physics & Chemistry Paper 1 Suggested Answers & Solutions

Tuition given in the topic of Little Miss Loi the Science Tutor (archived) from the desk of Little Miss Loi at 5:31 pm (Singapore time)

UPDATE: My list of suggested answers for the Combined Science (Physics, Chemistry) 5116 Paper 1 is now up (see below) 😀

Those of you taking other combinations (i.e. 5117 or 5118) in this ‘O’ Level would’ve probably gone through the same set of 20 Physics or 20 Chemistry MCQs on Tuesday.

Hi it’s me again!

Now that (most of) you have been liberated, I’ve drafted a list of my suggested answers for todays Chemistry Paper 1 and Monday’s Physics Paper 1, along with the relevant workings and explanations for each answer (where applicable).

O-Level 2008 October/November Physics 5057/5058 Paper 1 Suggested Solutions O-Level 2008 October/November Chemistry 5072/5067 Paper 1 Suggested Solutions

2008 O-Level October/November Science Paper 1 Suggested Solutions
Physics 5057/5058 (left) & Chemistry 5072/5067 (right) – click to download
O-Level 2008 October/November Combined Science 5116 Paper 1 Suggested Solutions

2008 O-Level October/November Combined Science (Physics, Chemistry) 5116 Paper 1 Suggested Solutions – click to download

So did your tikam-tikam MCQ answers tally with mine? Do leave a comment if you spot any mistake but please be gentle with me ok, even though I can be quite ductile and malleable 😛 Haha.

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