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Last-Minute Buddha Foot Hugging Topics For Chemistry MCQs

Tuition given in the topic of Little Miss Loi the Science Tutor (archived) from the desk of Little Miss Loi at 11:48 pm (Singapore time)

Hi once more everyone!

It’s me again – the younger radioactive sister of Miss Loi 😀

Hmmm … tuition ended earlier today and this time I managed to compile a hopefully-not-so last, last, last, last, last, last, last, last, last, last, last, last, last, last-minute checklist of topics to revise for those of you taking your O-Level Chemistry tikam-tikam MCQs (and possibly your final O-Level paper too – unless you’re an unfortunate Biology student like I once was) on Tuesday and Wednesday.

Topical Checklist For O-Level Chemistry Paper 1

Acids, Bases & Salts

  • Acid reactions
  • Base reactions
  • Types of oxides
  • Solubility Table
  • Methods of Salt Preparation

Mole Concepts

  • 5 steps to find your empirical formula:

    1. mass
    2. atomic mass (Ar)
    3. no. of moles
    4. ratio
    5. empirical formula
  • 3 steps to solve mole concept problems:

    1. Write BALANCED equation
    2. Find the no. of moles
    3. Find the limiting reactant

Organic Chemistry

  • Reactions of Alkane, Alkene, Alcohol, Carboxylic Acids
  • Characteristics of homologous series
  • Isomers
  • Addition Polymerisation


  • Remember the following tables in your textbook:

    • Reactions of metals with water
    • Reduction of metal oxides with carbon
    • Reduction of metal oxides with hydrogen
    • Thermal decomposition of metal carbonates
    • Thermal decomposition of metal nitrates
    • The 5 reactions in the extraction of iron
  • Reactivity Series

Identification of Ions & Gases

  • Test for cations
  • Test for anions
  • Test for gases


  • Examples of reducing and oxidizing agents
  • Colour changes of agents
  • To determine if a substance undergoes oxidation or reduction, always find the oxidation state of the element of interest within the substance

Energy Changes

  • Examples of endothermic and exothermic reactions.

Rate of Reaction

  • Factors affecting rate:

    1. temperature
    2. pressure
    3. catalyst
    4. surface area & volume
  • The only factor affecting rate AND the amount of product formed is concentration of reactant.

Maximize your remaining time to make sure you cover the list of topics above. Do stay focussed in what shall probably be your last-ever hour of your O-Levels to grab all 40 marks!

Liberation is near!

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