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Catching Up With Old Friends

Tuition given in the topic of E-Maths Tuition Questions from the desk of Miss Loi at 5:34 pm (Singapore time)

As decapitated erasers, twisted rulers and dislodged calculator buttons lay in ruins amid gruesome scenes that are still being played out in exam halls across the country, a sense of emptiness now lingers on the Mathematical side of The Temple since her charges made the final dash towards their Mathematical Salvation, exactly one day to the year of last Halloween’s eve.

Miss Loi, I feel very weird after the paper … I feel like doing more math … I’ve been doing math for the past two weeks for most of the hours and when I’m free now … I feel so weird as if there is something missing or like as if I’m not studying …

Miss Loi's Waiting List 2009

“Your call is important to us,
and will be attended to in the order
that it was received.”

Weird feelings aside, it’s time for her to plan the new schedule for her December Holidays Jφss Sticks Sessions and catch up with some old friends.

Friends from that momentous tide of Mathematical refugees who unfortunately arrived after the Temple Gates were closed.

Friends whom Miss Loi hope will still remember her and not tell her off with a “NO INSURANCE!” or “I DOWAN ANYMORE CREDIT CARD!!!” when they pick up her call.

Friends whom she hope will allow her to lend a ear to their tragic 凄凉 tales of academic sorrow, despair and underachievement.

Sorry to have kept you waiting. Your call is important to us and you will be attended to as quickly as possible, in the order that it was received. And apologies in advance should Miss Loi’s sexy voice happen to find you in the most … umm … inappropriate moment.

Meanwhile, try out this familiar E-Maths question to get a feel of what Miss Loi is going through these couple of days.

Miss Loi’s phone calls to those on her waiting list can be loosely grouped into 1) the straightforward type and 2) those that involve listening to some tragic 凄凉 academic tale.

  1. On average, Miss Loi listens to x number of straightforward phone calls in an hour. Write down an expression, in terms of x, for the number of minutes each straightforward phone call takes.
  2. On average, Miss Loi gets 2 more straightforward phone calls than tragic 凄凉 phone calls in an hour. Write down an expression, in terms of x, for

    1. the number of tragic 凄凉 phone calls she listens to in one hour.
    2. the number of minutes it takes per tragic 凄凉 phone call.
  3. If a tragic 凄凉 phone call takes 15 minutes longer than a straightforward phone call, write down an equation in terms of x to represent this, and solve for x.
  4. If Miss Loi spends a total of 10 hours on straightforward calls and 20 hours on tragic 凄凉 calls, calculate the total number of calls she makes.

Disclaimer: The figures portrayed in the question may not be an accurate reflection of the actual situation 😛

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