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The Day of Mathematical Armageddon & The O-Level Oct/Nov 2008 AMaths Solutions Scribbled In Miss Loi’s Notorious Handwriting

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi the Tutor from the desk of Miss Loi at 2:58 pm (Singapore time)

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Blackened was the cursed sun as the skies darkened on Friday morning, the Day of Mathematical Armageddon, as restless O-Level students amassed at icy-cold exam halls (some with aircon apparently set too low) across the land where the combined might of the vast E-Maths and A-Maths armies await them.

The mighty offensive began as prophesied when the bell tolled at 8am, and for many would not end till 5pm.

And so they charged. Like beings possessed by years of math notes, TYS solutions, exam papers, teachers/tutors’ scoldings etc., they stormed towards their Mathematical destinies …

Thx for all the tips tat u’ve given. You were really spot on about the topics!

… and they charged, aiming their sharpened compass tips like lances on their way to bisect that line perpendicularly in two, dodging lethal swarms of tiny 1-mark pallets launched in their direction.

Ms Loi surprisingly i can do e whole paper!

… and they charged, with eyes glowing white from their 阴阳眼s as they rushed towards that fearsome Plane Geometry monster.

More difficult than TYS! Yeah. Lots of people say difficult!

The hordes finally clashed under a blood red sky, and the ensuing battle was brutal and frightening, and those present told of some of the most gruesome scenes ever witnessed in O-Level exam halls. The following is NOT suitable for PSLE children!:

Erasers were rubbed until oblivion. Compasses were impaled on papers. Lead were disemboweled and fell out from mechanical pencils. Curve rulers were twisted and bent beyond recognition. And calculator buttons were furiously punched so hard and fast till they were dislodged.


Oh Miss Loi had to cover her eyes as she couldn’t bear to watch any longer! *Switches channel to family-friendly Hong Kong TVB Drama*

Cher, the paper is bloody ez. Sure a1!

When the cries of war finally died down, Miss Loi turned off her Starhub TV and rushed to the battlefield to survey the aftermath and tend to the wounded.

Miss Loi! Die alrdy! Paper 2 so difficult!

As expected, the Enemy saved its main forces for Friday, and there are now mixed tidings from the frontline.

Miss Loi managed an ironic smile. At least there won’t be too much moderation this time round.

I only lose marks at the similarity one. Cause I anyhow give reason. But maybe also correct.

At this moment, a gentle breeze picked up suddenly and landed these two pieces of war fragments in her arms.

O-Level 2008 Souvenirs

Without delay, Miss Loi proceeded to decode them feverishly with her notorious handwriting and enshrine them here, so that future generations may learn and not forget what happened on this Day of Mathematical Armageddon:

O-Level Oct/Nov 2008 AMaths Paper I Solutions O-Level Oct/Nov 2008 AMaths Paper II Solutions

O-Level October/November 2008 AMaths 4038 Solutions
Paper I (left) & Paper II (right) – click to download

… if they can read her notorious handwriting.

P.S. Obviously, these solutions were scribbled down pretty quickly. Please inform Miss Loi should you discover any mistake. Also, feel free to discuss in the comments below should you vehemently disagree with any of the answers/approaches described within.

P.P.S. If you happen to have the questions for the rest of the papers i.e. EMaths (4016/4017), AMaths (4018) in your possession, feel free to summon up a gentle breeze and send them to Miss Loi’s arms, and she’ll try to work out for solutions for these as well 😉

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