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The Infinite Steps To Salvation

Tuition given in the topic of A-Maths Tuition Questions from the desk of Miss Loi at 10:21 pm (Singapore time)

… continued from here.

Night has fallen again.

After two nights of playing catching with the Chinese Vampire, Miss Loi finally obtained the Divine Coefficient and stopped the maths-tuition-deprived 僵屍 in its track.

But there was no time to lose. Making sure she remembered to take the precious Gucci bag that she bought with a big discount in the last GSS, she quietly tip-toed past the paralyzed vampire.

As the movie script fate had it, a gust of wind swept into The Temple when she opened the door, blowing that yellow Post-It off the vampire’s head.

As the 僵屍 began hopping again, Miss Loi now had to flee (as fast as her pair of cheap Charles & Keith shoes would let her) down the 38 Steps towards her own salvation – passing the Three Signs to The Temple along the way – an irony considering that hundreds have climbed in the opposite direction towards their salvation.

The Final Sign Just Outside Miss Loi's Temple The Second Sign To Miss Loi's Temple The First Sign To Miss Loi's Temple

As the 僵屍 began hopping again, Miss Loi now had to flee (as fast as her pair of cheap Charles & Keith shoes would let her) down the 38 Steps towards her own salvation – passing the Three Signs to The Temple along the way – an irony considering that hundreds have climbed in the opposite direction towards their salvation.

The Final Sign Just Outside Miss Loi's Temple The Second Sign To Miss Loi's Temple The First Sign To Miss Loi's Temple

As the 僵屍 began hopping again, Miss Loi now had to flee (as fast as her pair of cheap Charles & Keith shoes would let her) down the 38 Steps towards her own salvation – passing the Three Signs to The Temple along the way – an irony considering that hundreds have climbed in the opposite direction towards their salvation.

The Final Sign Just Outside Miss Loi's Temple The Second Sign To Miss Loi's Temple The First Sign To Miss Loi's Temple

After developing stomach cramps from all that running, Miss Loi whipped out her ancient Nokia N73 again to call the moonlighting temple medium friend:

HEY WHAT’S GOING ON?! Why am I seeing the same scenes over and over again like I’m being COPY-AND-PASTED?! I don’t remember the stairs being so long!

After a brief moment, came this reply:

天灵灵地灵灵 …

Oh my Sexy Maths Tutor, you are now trapped in the realm of the Undead, somewhere in the region bounded by the following inequalities:

  1. x2 – 11x + 18 > 0
  2. x2 – 11x < 0

To return to the Realm of the Living, you have to use the above inequalities to find the region bounded by range of x that satisfies the inequality

|x2 – 11x + 9| < 9

As the 僵屍 began hopping again … Miss Loi would like to remind all students that for a typical quadratic function f(x) with two real distinct roots (α and β) and a positive coefficient of x2 (it’s always a good practice to make this positive as a first step), the ranges of x for its regions of quadratic inequalities can be summarized as follows:

Quadratic Inequalities

Please pay particular attention for the case of f(x) > 0 – students tend to get caught by 僵屍s here!

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