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Miss Loi Meets The MP Of Novena

Tuition given in the topic of Study Break from the desk of Miss Loi at 1:52 pm (Singapore time)

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It’s that time of the year again.

Let's Celebrate!

It’s celebration time!

A time for celebration, a time for students to enjoy a half-day in school, a time to win $8 million, a time for parking tickets, and a time for the nation to fly the Flag in a massive display of patriotism.

Novena Condos

The sprawling condominiums of Novena

It’s also a time when we’re all gently reminded of who actually lords over us represents the noble interests of the residents in our respective constituencies.

Signboard outside Revenue House

While Miss Loi is no resident of Novena, she does feel a sense of belonging to the place, since The Temple is now like a second home to her.

But she was finally snapped out from her illusion of The Temple’s location on Novena this morning, when the bare facts show that it’s actually sitting 5km away (as the crow flies) in Tanjong Pagar.

Welcome to Tanjong Pagar

Welcome to Tanjong Pagar

Her political ignorance was further affirmed as she stood face to face with the MP of Novena Tanjong Pagar Novena Tanjong Pagar Novena (ok let’s just assume it’s Novena for now) for the first time.

MP Lui Tuck Yew

The MP of Novena Tanjong Pagar Novena Tanjong Pagar Novena

Though this is the first time she gets the honour of seeing him, Miss Loi swears that she has seen his charismatic face somewhere before …






MP Lui Tuck Yew vs 大口青

… on some TVB Hong Kong Drama!

HAPPY NATIONAL DAY to all in Singapore and may you be able to catch up on your TVB dramas over this long weekend 😉

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