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It’s Miss Loi Vs The Kawaii Teeny Spree Blogs In SG Blog Awards!

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi the Tutor from the desk of Miss Loi at 3:36 pm (Singapore time)

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Friends, comrades and countrymen!

Vote Jφss Sticks as your Best Blog Shop!

The time has come for the hundreds and thousands of you readers (yes YOU – don’t act blur!) of this blog to step forth from the shadows of your LCD monitor and take action!

For the lines have been drawn, and Jφss Sticks has survived Nomination Day and is now a finalist of the Singapore Blog Awards!

Contesting in the … umm … relatively obscure category of BEST BLOG SHOP (afterall one can purchase kawaii exam papers here), Miss Loi nonetheless faces a fierce ten-corner fight against the likes of a CD shop, a kawaii teeny jewelry shop, a kawaii teeny spree shop, a kawaii teeny spree shop, a kawaii teeny spree shop, a kawaii teeny spree shop, a kawaii teeny spree shop, a kawaii teeny spree shop (that entices voters with a special kind of ‘nude bra’!), and … hold your breath … a kawaii teeny spree shop.

As such, Miss Loi implores you to stop your MSN chat, stop your computer game, stop ogling at Japanese models close all your windows (i.e. those in your computer screen) and head over to this link and click the “Vote Now” button:

Step 1

Next, SCROLL DOWN to enter your e-mail, choose a password on the spot and click the “Start Voting!” button (and fill in the rest of your particulars honestly when asked – please avoid using names like “Cristiano Ronaldo” that might immediately invalidate your vote):

Step 2

Once you’ve done that, a very nervous kan cheong woman (surrounded by nine other menacing icons) should magically appearing before your very eyes! It’s now the time to save this damsel in distress by clicking on her kan cheong picture!

Step 3

And since voting is a DAILY AFFAIR, it’s IMPERATIVE that it gets into your subconsciousness to save this kan cheong woman each day before you start your daily MSN chat, computer game, and … umm … Japanese collections viewing routine. And who knows, you might even win a *travel package to Bangkok, Vietnam or a luxurious resort package in Phuket!

The road ahead is long and grueling (30 June to 31 July to be precise), and Miss Loi is handicapped from the start as she does not have enough aunties, uncles, cousins, friends, friends’ friends … friendsn, programmers to vote her on a daily basis, especially when the rest have already mobilized their kawaii teeny shopping clone armies.

So please help send Miss Loi into the eternal Blogging Hall of Fame! And in return she’ll promise you an UPGRADE of your visiting experience, and MORE GOOD YEARS of challenging math questions & exam papers and … umm … post more kawaii photos of herself! nevermind.

Vote Miss Loi!

Vote wisely. Vote Jφss Sticks!

And while you’re at it, do support Miss Loi’s friends and her fellow Pingsters in the blogosphere too (luckily none of them are competing in Miss Loi’s category *phew*):

Best Youth Blog

Most Insightful Blog

Most Entertaining Blog

Best Individual Blog

*Applicable only if you’re human and not some vote cheating program

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