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Miss Loi Is Sunday Times’ Cover Girl!

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi the Tutor from the desk of Miss Loi at 9:01 pm (Singapore time)

Updated on

Miss Loi and her phone Miss Loi’s poor little Nokia phone and email inbox are experiencing very high volumes of enquiries at the moment.

As there’s only one Miss Loi attending to all your queries, she seeks your kind patience and understanding if she’s a little slow in getting back to you.

Also, thank you all so much for the emails and smses of well wishes and encouragement. Miss Loi feels very bad that she is unable to attend to all non-urgent messages at present, but she hopes to be able to reply everyone when the dust has settled. 😳

Attention! To all parents/students making enquiries: please do NOT turn up at The Temple unannounced and risk a wasted trip as Miss Loi may be out giving private tuition at the time!

In any case, the preferred method of communication at the moment is to contact Miss Loi via phone or email (please leave your contact number) and she’ll get back to you once she’s done with her classes.

Lastly do note that:

  1. Miss Loi does NOT teach PSLE/Primary-level mathematics.
  2. Miss Loi’s private home tuition slots are FULL for now.
  3. Miss Loi’s Secondary One/Two classes are FULL for now.

If you haven’t yet done so, please register as a member to be instantly informed of announcements of new schedules and classes.

Thank you for your cooperation and kind understanding.

Chances are that you would’ve bumped into Miss Loi today.

Be it during your morning cup of kopi siew dai

Miss Loi & Kopi

Drink too much kopi not good okay …

Or when you’re ogling at magazine cover girls at the news stand …

Miss Loi at the News Stand

Stop staring at Jade Seah! Look south …

Or when you were in the midst of your … umm … unspeakable business …

Miss Loi in the Toilet

Oh heavens you’ve ran out of toilet paper!

Even as her stern face continues to scare the living LMBFH Syndrome out of every school-going kid in Singapore, Miss Loi would like to extend a warm welcome to all Straits Times readers to Jφss Sticks!

Miss Loi the Super Tutor! Miss Loi the Savior

And despite their scheming roles in cajoling a thousand kitties out of Miss Loi’s LV bag and being guilty of a GLARING, GLARING error, she’s eternally grateful to journalist Mavis and photographer Ashleigh for putting this little maths tutor on the hallowed pedestal of 五大超级补习天王天后 (lit. The Top Five Heavenly Super Tutors) – alright Miss Loi invented this mahjong-combo-sounding name herself haha 😛

Choosing photos at The Temple

This one cannot … that one cannot … this one eyes too small … that one face bloated …

As the Temple Gates now creak and groan from the sudden massive, massive influx of Mathematical refugees, Miss Loi seeks your kind patience and understanding if she’s a little slow in getting back to you, as she still has her classes today.

Time to return all the calls. Looks like it’s gonna be a long, long night.

P.S. As Miss Loi has just been unmasked today, she would like to apologise if she has rudely shattered your maths tutor fantasies in any way.

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