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Miss Loi vs The Big Bad Dog

Tuition given in the topic of E-Maths Tuition Questions from the desk of Miss Loi at 6:01 pm (Singapore time)


No, this is not the dog
that traumatized Miss Loi’s childhood

Ever since a harrowing experience of being pursued by a big bad dog when she was a very cute child, it’s safe to say that there isn’t much love lost between Miss Loi and the canine population.

Unfortunately, being a private tutor means that she often has to live with the occupational hazard of facing big bad dogs at her students’ house.

They range from fierce growling beasts with salivating tongues (which she always gives a wide berth of ≥ 5m) to the cute but irritatingly … umm … hum sup kind who never fail to … umm … climb all over her in an attempt to lick away the top layer of her Shu Uemura makeup, create a saliva trail up and down her legs, and often leaving a helpless Miss Loi thinking …


… as a solitary tear drop flows down her face.

And on this topic, Miss Loi found herself face-to-face with a particularly nasty-looking dog one day, as she waited at the porch for the maid to open the door to her student’s house.

As she stared into its pair of big dark eyes, notice was served of its enormous strength when she found that it was held back by not one but FOUR leashes tied to various points around the porch.

But the maid was taking ages, and a bored Miss Loi decided it was time to exact some measure of revenge for her traumatized childhood.

Yoohoo Doggie … how does it feel to be all tied up huh?

*Sticks out tongue and makes monkey face*

Grrrrr …

Came the friendly reply as it reared its huge white furry head.

Not happy? Come and get me lor. Oops but you can’t! Hur hur hur!


And so in a severe lesson on complacency, the angry dog managed to break one of the leashes in a mighty show of strength, just as her (petrified) student appeared at the door!

Miss Loi! Three leashes won’t hold him for long! I have a rope I can throw to pull him back by the neck – but I dunno how long I should throw?!

Miss Loi vs The Dog Diagram

Given that the lengths of the three remaining leashes are 6m, 2m and 7m, and that they are tied to three corners of a rectangular area, with Miss Loi’s student standing at the fourth corner.

Find x, the length of the rope, that the student must throw.

Miss Loi how?! You know I’m only Sec Two! I haven’t learn Trigonometry yet!!!

Now isn’t the time for excuses! Sec Two students should be able to solve this – I’ve just taught you Pythagoras Theorem last week!

Can you please help Miss Loi before she becomes dog food?!

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