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PING.SG Depicted As A ‘Sin’ In Popular Bookstore Ad

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi the Tutor from the desk of Miss Loi at 5:06 pm (Singapore time)

Most compulsive serial assessment books collectors (i.e. those whose life’s calling is to attempt EVERY assessment book known to mankind) among us in Singapore invariably end up as Popular Bookstore‘s Pop Club Members.

Besides the 5-10% discount offered for all purchases (which is the sole reason for most to sign up anyway), members also get to receive a quarterly copy of their Pop Club Magazine

Pop Club (May-June 2008 Edition)

No, this is not 8 Days magazine.

… which is “packed with unbeatable offers and scrumptious promotions” – mostly in the form of ads depicting messianic saviors with Jedi mind trick abilities that can instantly transform illiterate Ah Bengs into President Scholarship hopefuls.

Pop Club Education ad example

Relevant portions masked to protect the identity of the Jedi Master
N.B. That is NOT her.

Anyways, if you get to lay your hands on this quarter’s (May-June) issue you’ll find a curious ad on its back cover with the words “PING.SG” written on it – alongside derogatory terms like “Hopeless“, “Lazy“, “Unmotivated” etc.


堕落, 没精打采 … the list continues

And it’s not only Ping.sg, the addictive local bloggers’ community where Miss Loi’s often guilty of spending too much time reading blogs, chatting etc., that’s listed here. Other evils like Facebook, Friendster, mahjong etc. are not spared as well.

Pop Club Ad (Front)

Are you guilty of any of these?
[Click to enlarge]

In any case, may it evoke sufficient emotions of guilt for the reader to drop all pretense of “I’m too cool for this!”, flip it over and contact the messianic savior behind this ad.

Pop Club Ad (Back)

Call and your sins WILL be cleansed.

A very warm welcome from Jφss Sticks to all Pop Club members visiting for the first time 😀 Now repeat after Miss Loi “I will score A1 … I will score A1 … I will score A1 …

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