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One Small Step In Her Charles & Keith Shoes, A Giant Leap For Her Palpitating Heart

Tuition given in the topic of Study Break from the desk of Miss Loi at 11:27 pm (Singapore time)

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Since the beginning of time, mankind has always sought to outdo ourselves.

Whether it’s about climbing the highest mountain,

Fujiyama vs Fujiyama

Scaling the tallest height,

The Peak of Fujiyama

Blazing the fastest speed,


Or simply being the most sadistic.

Eejanaika Record

And so a timid Miss Loi stood, with wobbly legs, before three of the meanest modern devices mankind has ever built with wicked intent this side of the world.

The Gate of Fujiyama The Gate of Dodonpa The Gate of Eejanaika

Her life and her students’ mid-year exam results flashed before her eyes, as she looked up in awe at the flowing entrails of these mighty beasts, and pondered if it was indeed her destiny that brought her to this spot.

Fujiyama vs Eejanaika

But pondering should be the last thing on her mind, for she would loathe to waste her ¥1200 entry ticket has always told her students to face up to their challenges …

The (Free) Fall of Eejanaika

… and now the time has come for her to live up to her own words.

The Loop of Dodonpa

And so it came to pass that on this day, a visibly-trembling Miss Loi held her breath, stole one last glance at the monstrous machina towering before her, and took that fateful step forward …

The Entrails of Fujiyama




… to take a few more photos before heading off to more comfortable environs.

Gotemba Premium Outlets

The Labels of Gotemba Gotemba's Inhabitants The Spoils of Gotemba

Sorry folks, after a brief calculation on the tracks’ geometric properties and the kinematics involved, Miss Loi concluded that the resultant angular velocities were a little too much for her poor little palpitating heart.

Besides, the 50-60% discounts at Gotemba Premium Outlets were difficult to resist okay!


Before you start calling Miss Loi a chicken, here’re some vids on the action that Miss Loi missed out (which till now she still didn’t regret after viewing them!):

1) FUJIYAMA (4th longest & 6th tallest in the world)

2) DODONPA (Highest acceleration and 3rd fastest in the world)

3) EEJANAIKA (7th tallest & most inversions i.e. sadistic in the world)

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