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When Rabbits Munch On Fresh Green Grass, They Cannot See The Storm Coming From The Horizon

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi's Temple aka Joss Sticks Tuition Centre from the desk of Miss Loi at 1:01 pm (Singapore time)

Platinum Fashion Mall

Platinum Fashion Mall – One of the stops on
Miss Loi’s pilgrimage trail.

Like starving rabbits freed from the shackles of their little cages, they bounded past the Temple Gates towards the vast open meadows of freedom beyond, where they hope to pick up where they left off a month ago: be it restarting a saved computer game, salvaging a once-decent figure ruined by junk food, or finally mustering enough courage to ask that chick out for a movie.

As they bask in the glorious sunshine that envelops the plains, few, however, notice the cluster of brooding storm clouds gathering on the horizon.

But notice them Miss Loi (with her geeky 450o glasses supernatural eyesight) did.

And as thoughts of The Cause is never far from her mind, even as the Temple Gates creak to a close in preparation for the holy dates (13-23 May) of her annual shopping pilgrimage, the High Priestess has decreed, on this Day of Love, the following schedule for the imminent salvation of the growing ranks of LMBFH Syndrome sufferers:

Miss Loi’s June Holiday Intension Revision Jφss Sticks Sessions (27 May-22 June 2008)

Lesson Times:
Mondays to Thursdays 3.00-5.00pm (E-Maths)
5.00-7.00pm (A-Maths)

Fridays 3.00-5.00pm (E-Maths)
5.00-7.00pm (A-Maths)
7.00-9.00pm (A-Maths)

Saturdays 10.30am-12.30pm – Full (blocked for existing students)
1.00-3.00pm (Subject TBC – pending enquiries)
3.00-5.00pm (Subject TBC – pending enquiries)
5.00-7.00pm – Full (blocked for existing students)

Sundays 1.00-3.00pm (Subject TBC – pending enquiries)
3.00-5.00pm (Subject TBC– pending enquiries)
5.00-7.00pm – Full (blocked for existing students)

Venue:Miss Loi’s Temple
Class Size:Exclusive to 4-6 students/class
Duration/Session:2 hours
Included: Drinks and light snacks
Miss Loi’s fabled Exam Papers
School uniform is optional (but still must wear something okay!)

As per last year, these intensive tuition sessions are designed to cover the entire O-Level Mathematics syllabus within this June holidays. To ensure that every single participant will receive Miss Loi’s maximum tender loving care, each session is limited to a maximum of six students.

Lastly, history has shown that a major schedule announcement like this is usually followed by a chaotic tremendous surge in spiritual fervour.

As such, Miss Loi implores you to contact her at your earliest convenience to confirm your early salvation, for it’ll be too late when you see pot-bellied beer-drinking security guards deployed for crowd control at the Temple Gates to ensure that no one (not even a limping terrorist) sneaks in!

Gone Shopping!

Miss Loi will be on her overseas pilgrimage trail from 13-23 May.

Please email missloi [at] exampaper [dot] com [dot] sg during this period as her mobile phone might not be reachable at times, and she will try to get back to you as soon as she can find the next internet access point.

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