Today, many schools across Singapore celebrate International Friendship Day leading to the cancellation of some of Miss Loi’s sessions. Tsk.
Which is a little strange as the actual international International Friendship Day appears to be traditionally celebrated on the first Sunday of August – a little too close for comfort to another Big Day perhaps?
For those new to this, it’s a day when schools are suddenly transformed into mini United Nations of sorts, when flags of foreign countries are flown, where foreign cyborgs are reprogrammed to stop mugging for a day of cultural performances, and where Miss Loi’s student is seriously wondering whether to turn up in school naked after being ‘arrowed’ to cosplay as Africans.
All these, in the noble name of
increasing students’ understanding of Singapore’s relations with neighbouring countries and beyond … as well as nurture the spirit of friendship and collaboration among different people.
While it’s a bit optimistic to expect a few cosplay sessions and performances to have any effect on students’ awareness of Singapore’s diplomatic positions on worldly affairs, Miss Loi nonetheless hopes that students can take this day to reflect on their situation compared to what’s happening to their peers around the world, namely:
Be glad that you have the chance to attend school. 3 million of your peers in Southeast Asia don’t (especially if you’re a girl).
Be grateful for your uneventful journey to school (save for the usual traffic jam at the school gate), for sometimes it can be a little challenging for your peers in other countries just to get to school.
Today got school?Please pay attention and don’t always fall asleep in your comfy air-conditioned classroom. Spare a thought for your peers in other countries:
If they can pay attention, so can you. [source]Don’t always say that you can’t understand your ‘Cher, and don’t always depend on someone to help you understand the topics. In some countries, the ‘chers don’t even turn up.
“Senior student” leading class in IndonesiaDon’t always complain that you have no time for revision/homework (amidst all your phone chats/SMSes/MSN etc.). Some of your peers really have no time.
Similarly, don’t waste your time and your parents’ hard-earned money by fooling around in tuition classes. To some of your peers with zero access to such educational luxuries, self-directed learning offers the only hope to a better life.
Be thankful that everyone is given (more or less) a fair chance of success in our education system. In a certain country, you may end up hitting yourself against a brick wall no matter how good your grades are.
On the other hand, do be aware that there are students elsewhere who are studying much, much, much, much more harder than you, with their own joss sticks sessions extending till midnights.
Miss Loi should start picking up Korean soon 😛
So let this be Miss Loi’s message for today: As you enjoy today’s cosplay sessions, remember not to take for granted what you’re blessed with, but at the same time recognize that in an increasingly-connected age, you may not necessarily be as good as you think you are and there will always be room for improvement.