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Check Out Miss Loi’s Racing Car

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi's Car from the desk of Miss Loi at 2:52 pm (Singapore time)

In motor sports, races are decided by a fraction of a second. And since how fast a car accelerates can be loosely determined by the Physics formula:

Acceleration = Force/Mass

that’s why in a bid to reduce the mass component of the above formula, racing car interiors are always stripped bare of unnecessary weight items like spare tyres, rear seats, carpet floorings etc., like this:

Carpetless (Front) Carpetless (Rear) Carpetless & Seatless

Miss Loi has been driving around like this since yesterday, after having her car’s rear seats removed and the carpets stripped for drying following the Great Flood.

No wonder she has been finding it easier to out-sprint the irritating uncles who speed up the moment she signals to change lanes.

And in the absence of sound insulation, the car now sounds like a race car too: with an engine roar comparable to that from a turbocharged Ah Beng car that drove alongside hers this morning, that also managed to drown out her techno tracks, and whatever that’s left of her hearing.

Let’s hope that she doesn’t drown out her students’ hearings during lessons today 😛

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