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Bad Hair Days

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi the Tutor from the desk of Miss Loi at 10:10 pm (Singapore time)

Miss Loi's Bad Hair Day

The situation is dire.

Miss Loi laid huddled at a dark dingy corner of The Temple, staring in disbelief at the unrecognizable image in her mirror.

Oh how the mighty have fallen! What was once healthy, full of life, and as radiant as the sunshine that fell upon it is now a bundle of limp, dull, lifeless, shambolic mess.

With her emergency supply of tonic and other hair-care products running low, the probability of Miss Loi having a Bad Hair Day in front of her students increases exponentially with each passing day, as long as Singapore’s favourite fugitive continues to evade capture, as long as the Causeway jams continue unabated, and as long as her JB hair salon appointments keep getting postponed.

Meanwhile students’ results are having their own ‘bad hair days’ too.

As a semester filled with CCAs, performances, tournaments, trainings, CIP, project work, netsurfing, Maple Story etc. enters its latter stages, the Temple Gates has started to reverberate from the incessant knocking by the first batch of refugees fleeing the LMBFH Syndrome, after receiving the howler that was their CA scores.

As a result, classes are rapidly filling up, as Miss Loi shifts her focus to the current O-Level batch of students and begins fortifying The Temple against the prophesied sieges this year.

So while Miss Loi struggles to solve her bad hair woes this long weekend, do make use of this period to kick-start your revision if you haven’t yet done so, especially with around 6 weeks left to the Mids.

Also if you’re a Sec 4 EMaths student, please, please don’t delude yourself by studying only the six Sec 4 chapters taught this year (and thereafter scoffing at how little there is to study, before using this as an excuse to gleefully rush back to attain your next warrior level in some neverending computer game) – for your Mids cover everything taught from Sec 1 to 4 (and from Sec 3 to 4 for Amaths)!

All in all, however,

Have A Good Friday & A Great Easter Weekend!

… and stop laughing at Miss Loi’s hair!

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