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Jφss Sticks is Straits Times Digital Life’s Blog of the Week!

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi the Tutor from the desk of Miss Loi at 10:22 am (Singapore time)

Updated on

The calls began coming in as Miss Loi was in the midst of her March holidays joss sticks sessions.

When it became apparent that she was on some page of the mainstream media, she quickly snatched ‘borrowed’ a copy of her student’s Straits Times.

And in a great demonstration of her exceptional eye for detail, she flipped through the pages at least three times from front to back, before finally locating this little article on Page 2 of this week’s edition of Digital Life (which happens to be featuring Net Bullies of all people -_-).

Joss Sticks on Digital Life

One of the three things you need to know this week okay!
(Click to read)

Wow. Miss Loi didn’t realize that Jφss Sticks is now a current affairs blog, and she feels terribly honored by the prospect that thought-provoking posts like how she was late for her JB hair salon appointment now rank alongside stuffs like the fall of the Malaysian stock market.

Nonetheless, though she doesn’t quite understand why many are typing “www.exampaper.com.sg” in Google to get here (when you can type exactly the same phrase directly on your favourite browser’s address bar and you’ll still get here), Miss Loi would like to extend a warm welcome to all Digital Life readers! She sure hopes that she has gotten your ‘rapt attention’ 😀

And looking beyond the typo on the featured entry‘s title, Miss Loi happens to find the term “Burning the midnight Sticks” pretty cool 😀

P.S. For the record, Miss Loi IS Miss Loi in real life – not some fancy nic in the cyber realm!

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