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Preparing For The Ides Of March

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi the Tutor from the desk of Miss Loi at 9:59 pm (Singapore time)

As Singapore’s favourite fugitive is probably enjoying a hearty meal of ikan bakar (with ingredients freshly fished from MacRitchie Reservoir) this very moment, Miss Loi sneaks back quietly to The Temple – making sure that no one sees her ridiculous 200-year-old ancient Chinese hairdo.

But return she must, for the March school holidays are nearly upon us.

Muggertoads (Early Spring, Novena)

Muggertoads already hard at work
(Early spring, Novena)

For those muggertoads of a rare endangered species who’re already immuned to the LMBFH Syndrome since birth, it’s time to start preparing for the Mids, and to begin the seemingly impossible task of catching up with that foreign cyborg in class.

For the rest of the masses still recovering from the coma-inducing shock that was their CA results, it’s time to begin the seemingly impossible task of catching up with those described in the preceding paragraph.

For Miss Loi’s Temple, it’s the time to brace itself for the tuition mouthful that is the MARCH HOLIDAYS INTENSIVE REVISION JφSS STICKS SESSIONS!

And so the High Priestess is once again invoking her mathematical powers to calculate the infinite permutations and combinations of her existing studentsCCA timetables, tournament schedules, remedial class timetables, other tutors’ timetables, THAT piano teacher’s timetable, dating timetables, slacking timetables etc. in order to finalize her Grand March Holiday Schedule.

Hence should you yearn to be part of her exclusive classes of 4-6 students at The Temple, to be in line for that seemingly impossible task of attaining your Mathematical Salvation, you can help Miss Loi plan her schedule by contacting her now.

Else, you might just have to wait for Miss Loi to return from her rescheduled hair salon appointment 😛

NOTE: In short, though Miss Loi’s March holiday classes shall be scheduled around the timetables of her existing students who have been attending her regular weekly classes, new students are still welcome to join these sessions, subject to prevailing vacancies.

Details of Miss Loi’s tuition classes aka joss sticks sessions are found here – note that two new time slots (3-5pm Friday and 1-3pm Sunday) have been added to the regular weekly schedule.

Gosh she feels like an airline ticketing agent these days!

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