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Crouching Terrorist, Leaping Maiden

Tuition given in the topic of Study Break from the desk of Miss Loi at 11:31 pm (Singapore time)

WARNING: As usual, the following article contains extremely lame content which may offend you. Please DO NOT continue if extreme lameness disturbs you or if it’s illegal to view such material in your community.

On a day when girls from a certain secondary school got the unexpected chance to ogle at uniformed guys during school hours, Miss Loi was caught in a massive traffic jam at Woodlands Checkpoint (which caused her to be very, very late for her hair salon appointment in JB) – all because of an escaped terrorist who might still be crouching in a bush somewhere in your neighbourhood.

Seeing that the long train of cars was unlikely to be moving along any time soon, Miss Loi turned off the air-conditioner, mindful that the fuel gauge might have fallen below the three-quarter mark by the time she reached Customs.

Unfortunately, it was a pretty hot day and last night’s late tuition session began to take its toll as her eyes slowly drooped to a close …


Crouching Terrorist Leaping Maiden

When she opened her eyes she found herself standing in a clearing within a dense bamboo forest, dressed in an ancient Chinese costume. Crouching behind a grove of bamboo was a familiar-looking Malay man.

Alamak! Aku pakai Mesin Waktu lari sampai dua ratus tahun yang lalu tapi kamu masih menjumpai aku!

With that, the startled Malay man took off and leapt high onto one of the bamboo trees, perching himself precariously on one of the branches.

I dunno what you’re talking about but I know you – you Evil Terrorist! You made me late for my hair salon appointment! I’m very angry so I’m gonna catch you and bring you to justice!

With that, an angry Miss Loi discovered that she could also leap high onto another bamboo tree – and thus began her hot pursuit of the terrorist in earnest.

And so they leapt, from branch to branch and tree to tree, scattering leaves to the forest floor with each passing jump. There were several close shaves as Miss Loi sidestepped at the last minute several deadly bamboo trees that she found to be rigged with explosives by the wily terrorist.

Just as she was about to catch up with the terrorist, he made one mighty leap (complete with two-and-a-half somersaults) to land on the forest floor once more, before disappearing into a cave.

With another mighty leap of her own (hers came with three-and-a-half somersaults), Miss Loi entered the cave only to find the entrance shutting itself behind her – leaving her all alone inside!

Once she’d gotten over her shock, however, she found something akin to a touchscreen plasma TV on the wall. It was displayed on the screen:


Today is 29 FEBRUARY 1808.

Please enter the number of WEEKS and DAYS you wish to teleport in time.

At this point, Miss Loi suddenly remembered that she still has to go for her hair salon appointment today (29 February 2008)! As she can’t miss this one cos she needs to look good heading into her intensive March holiday tuition sessions, can you please help get her back in time for her appointment?

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