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Ooh … There’s Now ANOTHER Sexy Tutor

Tuition given in the topic of Study Break from the desk of Miss Loi at 4:26 pm (Singapore time)

There has been a sudden spike in this blog’s traffic in the past week.

As far as she knows, Miss Loi is not aware of herself being featured on another newspaper article again. A quick check with one of Singapore’s popular meta blog showed that Edison & Co are still holding on to their democratically-elected powers.

However a glance at her web stats revealed an unexpected influx of visitors finding this blog via googling terms like “sexy tutor in bikini“, “bikini tutor sg“, “singapore sexy tutor“, and whatever Permutations & Combinations one can devise from these terms.

But as Miss Loi was clearing her old newspapers last night, the intriguing mystery of the traffic spike was finally solved when she came across an article in Lianhe Wanbao. At the risk of this blog resembling some tabloid’s raunchy Page One, this is what she saw:

Wanbao Sexy Tutor

No, that face wasn’t masked by Miss Loi

Apparently a Singaporean tutor posted up some bikini shots of her on the internet in order to ‘solicit more business’.

Curious to find out more about this … umm … ‘competitor‘, Miss Loi spent a long time searching terms like “sexy tutor in bikini“, “bikini tutor sg” and “singapore sexy tutor” in Google, only to be repeatedly frustrated in her attempts as all her searches eventually brought her to this stupid website that only offers boring math tips and questions and contained NO pictures whatsoever of the tutor in question.

So for this, Miss Loi would like to offer her heartfelt apologies to the hordes of cheekopeks esteemed visitors who found this humble blog via the above-mentioned search terms. May her challenging math questions go some ways in alleviating the immense disappointment and anger that you’ve undoubtedly experienced when you couldn’t find what you were looking for when you arrived here.

Meanwhile, anyone with any information or lead to this mysterious sexy tutor would be greatly appreciated 😛

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