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What Happened Last Night …

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi the Tutor from the desk of Miss Loi at 12:46 pm (Singapore time)

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The comfortable glow of yellow lights provided an aura of warmth around the dining table.

It was the first time we met. But yet it felt like we’ve known each other for years.

And so it was a little ironic that, after all the early getting-to-know-you and banter, an awkward silence suddenly descended on the table when that moment came.

The solitary box of chocolate remained unopened, seemingly bracing itself for the drama that was to unfold, as our eyes met.

I could sense a little hint of denial, and hesitation, as you briefly fought your inner-doubt (or ego perhaps) before you finally faced up to your realization and utter those words …











How??! Miss Loi how??! I dunno how to do all these Indices and Surds questions! TOMORROW MY TEST HOW!!!???

Valentine's Day 2008

To the two lively ‘sunshine’ gals who had the honour of spending yesterday’s Valentine’s evening with Miss Loi – good luck for your A-Maths test today and thanks for the chocolate! 😀

Umm … we’re not done yet.

After all the economy-contributing romance had come and gone, and the roses around the world began to wither, a tired Miss Loi came home to find more work waiting for her in her comments box.

Oh well …

I was tagged by FoxTwo for the following meme. Here’re the rules:

7 random or weird things about yourself

The rules are as follows:

  • Link to the person who tagged you
  • Post the rules on your blog.
  • Share seven random and/or weird facts about yourself on your blog.
  • Tag seven random people at the end of your post, and include links to their blogs.
  • Leave a comment on their blogs so that they know they have been tagged.

Here we go …

  1. Miss Loi is a DEEP sleeper. It is said that she goes into a comatose state whenever she sleeps, and can often be mistaken for a corpse.
  2. How pretty she looks The radius of her eyes on a particular day is exponentially proportional to the number of hours she slept the night before.
  3. Though she’s internationally certified as an Advanced Scuba Diver, she still doesn’t know how to swim.
  4. Her thumb can NEVER be bent past the vertical y-axis. According to some, this is a sure sign of stubbornness.
  5. She has never owned a single teddy bear or soft toy in her life. And she can’t understand why would some people like to hug teddy/POOH bears.
  6. She hates KTV coz she can’t sing. Whoever invites her to KTV is simply asking for it.
  7. Those who have seen her before all say that she bears an uncanny resemblance to … *decides last-minute not to say* 😛

The problem now is, being a bit of a loner in the blogosphere, almost all of Miss Loi’s ‘taggable’ friends have already been tagged in this tagged. So she’ll just randomly leave seven links of her friends here for keepsakes 😛

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