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A New Season. A New Syllabus. A New Collection!

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi's Exam Papers from the desk of Miss Loi at 6:26 pm (Singapore time)

As the bak kwa begins to digest, as ang bao money starts to dwindle away on mahjong tables, as students across the country are still reeling from the incessant interrogation (on O-Level results, single-hood, height & weight and all things unimportant) for the past few days, Miss Loi has been secretly invoking her great multitasking powers to put the finishing touches in the midst of all the bak kwa, mahjong and her own interrogation sessions.

And so on a typically rain-less Chinese New Year day, Miss Loi is pleased to finally unveil:

Exam Papers 2008 Collection

Yes! Finally, exam papers following the new 2008 syllabus for every level: Sec 1, Sec 2, Sec 3, O-Level, and even 4017/4018 for those of you taking/re-taking the old maths syllabus!

And now with a total of more than 3000 lethal questions specially formulated from 17 years’ of listening to students’ grievances feedback and research into the CA/exam trends of Singapore schools!

And with schools warming welcoming you back with a series of CAs in the coming weeks, there’s no better time to drop that bak kwa, stop that mahjong game, and rejuvenate your sluggish festive minds by signing-up for your free membership and trying out the preview papers now!

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