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Jφss Sticks Reloaded!

Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi the Tutor from the desk of Miss Loi at 7:20 pm (Singapore time)

Oh heavens it’s finally done!

As a result of following the UnTrusty Webmaster’s ill-advice of “Want to migrate, might as well all upgrade together, this poor estranged blog has finally moved into it’s new home, almost a month since that aborted attempt.

So if you’re reading this, Miss Loi presents to you … TADA! … Jφss Sticks Reloaded!

Where you’ll find that things have gone through a little facelift here and there, like:

  • Resizable comment box! Gone is the microscopic version that induces tunnel vision when you type!
  • You can now preview your comments and math equations before you post! No more truncated comments!
  • There’s now a Search Box with Miss Loi striking a Jap-like Welcome to Takashimaya salesgirl look!
  • In response to those clamouring for a glimpse of her, there’re now even more pics of Miss Loi’s pretty face plastered everywhere!
  • There’re now … err … even more post-it notes plastered all over!

*Runs away to find more silly excuses to justify a month of maintenance work* Tsk. Tsk.

P.S. Things can often get messy during housemoving. Please let Miss Loi know if any page doesn’t look right to you.
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