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FoxTwo! Where Are You?!

Tuition given in the topic of Study Break from the desk of Miss Loi at 8:11 pm (Singapore time)

FoxTwo, you promised Miss Loi that you’ll get her anything she wants with your platinum + gold + diamond card.

So here she is, a forlorn figure at a busy Shinjuku junction, waiting for the whole of a cold autumn night for you in anticipation of our shopping date.

Shinjuku Junction

Maybe you were on the other side of the road …

Shinjuku Junction

She even looked for you from the bridge …

Shinjuku From Bridge

But you were not there. You flew Miss Loi’s aeroplane.

Oh once again she should’ve known better to believe the sweet words of men.

*turns away from junction and disappears into nearest shinkansen station*

As you can see Miss Loi is now on a pilgrimage to her Promised Land of Japan. So this blog may not be updated as often as she would’ve like, at least until the end of November.

For tuition enquiries, please email Miss Loi as she may not be contactable on her mobile at times, and she’ll try her best to respond as soon as she finds the next available internet connection!

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