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Tuition given in the topic of Miss Loi the Tutor from the desk of Miss Loi at 12:19 am (Singapore time)

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Temple Banner

Temple Banner, The Great War of 2007
(Please do not touch the exhibit)

At the break of dawn on a rainy Halloween’s eve, the last of Miss Loi’s charges made their final dash towards their Mathematical Salvation.

An eerie silence followed as the world held its breath, and the soft rustling breeze from The Temple‘s air-con could even be heard. No one knows what happened after that fateful charge, and their destinies shall not be revealed till months have passed.

Overwhelmed by the exertions of the past weeks, Miss Loi slumped back in her chair, as a sudden realization descended upon her. At long last, despite years of underconfidence, overconfidence, playfulness, laziness, stubborness etc etc., each and every one of her charges are now transformed into knightly champions of their own, staring at the gates to their Mathematical Nirvana.

The thought sent a solitary tear falling from her eye, further ruining the meticulous makeup on her glowing face.

Even as others brace themselves for the next wave of assualt from the Enemy’s mechanical siege engines, Miss Loi knows that her job is done for now.

As she proceeds to take down that stressful Countdown Timer from this blog and recall her beautician’s number for her long-overdue facial session, she is once again mindful of the group of bewildered *younglings at the side, staring with their tiny innocent eyes, unable to comprehend what has gone before.

New Syllabus Textbooks

A new year. A new syllabus.
More income for textbook publishers.

For this is not their war. And their time has yet to come, not for at least another year.

But their time WILL come, and this time it has been foretold that the Enemy shall assume a new form like nothing the human race has seen before.

So as Miss Loi is gearing up to receive a new generation of hope, starting this December 2007, she wondered about the kind of students the new year will bring her, the Temple‘s proposed new decor and most importantly, if her face has lost its radiance after such a long period since her last facial.

Happy Halloween and Goodbye.

*Those not taking their O-Levels this year.

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