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Men & Their Variations According To Miss Loi

Tuition given in the topic of E-Maths Tuition Questions from the desk of Miss Loi at 9:53 pm (Singapore time)

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Miss Loi has often been asked by friends on what kind of men attracts her. Well, being a maths tutor means that the ‘men’ in her life consists mainly of hot-blooded teens fresh within the tentative stages of their post-pubescent life. Actually, based on her observations, some of them don’t even seem to have reached this stage yet 😛

For the record, given the chasmic age gap, Miss Loi is most definitely NOT into the genre of hot-blooded teens.

After a bit of soul-searching, she concluded that first, being a high-maintenance pragmatic person, her attraction to men is directly proportional to how much money they spend on her and second, being a vain-pot someone who takes pride in maintaining her oh-so-youthful looks, this attraction is also inversely proportional to the number of times men criticize her looks.

In fact, she’d find you most attractive if you can successfully work out these variations (or something similar) in your E-Maths paper this coming Monday or Tuesday!

Let the force of attraction between Miss Loi and men be F Newtons.

  1. This force is directly proportional to the square of the money, $ dollars, that a man spends on her.

    When a man spends a certain amount of money on her, the force is 100 Newtons. What is the force when this amount of money is doubled?

  2. The square of the number of times a man criticises her looks, i.e. q2, is inversely proportional to F. For a particular value of q, F = 37 Newtons. Find the value of F when this value of q is halved.

Questions on Variations are as straightforward as they come and it would be TRAGIC if you lose any mark here. The following should be familiar to you by now:

Direct Variation
If yx, then y = kx

Inverse Variation
If y1/x, then y = k/x

Having said that, there’re some bad recurring careless mistakes committed by students when it comes to these questions which we shall see if they surface in you answers here in the comments.

NOTE: Those who know Miss Loi really well will know that she’s just sprouting nonsense, except for the part on the E-Maths question of course.

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