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Just Follow Law Or Just Follow Rule?

Tuition given in the topic of A-Maths Tuition Questions from the desk of Miss Loi at 1:07 am (Singapore time)

Updated on

continued from the previous post

a=2! b=1! c=3!“, Miss Loi cried out at the last moment, just as the mighty wall of water towered over her, and then everything went blank …

She awoke to a scene of utter desolation. Crucially, a glance downwards at her torn and tattered bikini convinced her that 此地不可久留, as she’d literally be ‘easy meat’ for the scores of horny cheekopeks* roaming the area.

For that, she needed to quickly find her way back to The Temple. But she now stood in an unrecognizable landscape where everything was swept away by the waves, save for a wooden log and a thick power cable on the ground.

Upon closer inspection, writings were found on each of them but with crucial parts of the details missing.

Inscribed on the wooden log was this:

Given: logb(xy3) = m and logb(x3y2) = p

Distance to The Temple (km) from here = logb√(xy).

To find this distance, first express it in terms of m and p

*workings destroyed*

… and finally substitute in m=1 and p=2 .

Miss Loi turned over the wooden log and found this:

The Laws of Logarithms

  • logbxy = logbx + logby
  • logb(x/y) = logbx – logby
  • logbxn = nlogbx

And printed on the thick power cable was this:

Given: 22x+2 x 5x-1 = 8x x 52x.

Length of cable (km) from here to The Temple = 10x

*workings destroyed*

Some graffiti was also found on the cable:

The Rules of Powers/Indices

  • am x an = am+n
  • am ÷ an = amn
  • (am)n = amn
  • an = 1/an
  • (a x b)n = an x bn

At that very moment, packs of creatures looking like this appeared suddenly on the horizon, and were closing in fast on Miss Loi!

In which direction should she flee? In the direction of the log or the power cable?!

* Local term for dirty old man

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