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“So This Is How It All Ends …”

Tuition given in the topic of A-Maths Tuition Questions from the desk of Miss Loi at 5:07 pm (Singapore time)

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continued from the previous post.

Bracing for the inevitable

So much for her ‘supernatural trigonometric powers’.

As the tsunami neared the beach, Miss Loi’s eyes widened as she watched, life jacket in hand (donated by Peter), it transformed into a terrifying monstrous column of water with a height so high, it approached infinitely into the sky.

“So this isn’t a cosine wave, but a powerful tangent wave … and this is how it all ends.“, thought Miss Loi as she stood and closed her eyes, bracing herself for the inevitable.

At that very moment, a familiar Darth Vader-ish voice echoed in her head …

Despair not, my sexy young tutor, for I have the power to save thee!

… and that jolted Miss Loi out of her self-induced trance.

For thy contribution in helping generations of slackers in Mathematics, I shall part the sea for thy safe passage.

But alas in order to do that, thou must supply Me the amplitude, and period of the tsunami, and by how much it has shifted along its vertical axis, for My mathematics is not as good as thine.

Seconds now remained before the waves hit the shore, and Miss Loi barely had enough time to produce the amended equation of this killer wave:

Tangent Graph

The diagram shows part of the graph of y = atan(bx) + c. Find the values of a, b and c.

Note: A sudden hunch led to Miss Loi including this tangent graph question, as after lying dormant for a long time, the powerful tangent tsunami had finally made its first appearance in June 2007 (this year).

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